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Abstract Algebra	David S. Dummit, Richard M. Foote	Prentice-Hall		1		1991	658	New	yes	no	moving box 1	978-0-130-04771-6	QA162.D85 1991	39357399B9B0362E06058FBC7C027F97	4	Amazon	Undergrad		
An Introduction to Thermal Physics	Daniel V. Schroeder	Oxford University Press		1		2021	422	Good	no	no	moving box 1	978-0-192-89555-4	QC311.15.S325 2021	A360BAB0F2E874F74ACA749054FDAF6F	4	Amazon	Undergrad	My all-time favorite physics text of undergrad.	
Introduction to Electrodynamics	David J. Griffiths	Cambridge University Press		4		2017	599	Fair	yes	no	moving box 1	978-1-108-42041-9	QC680.G74 2017	FBA5C5702D92EB16CCA92E9013F8578C	4	Amazon	Undergrad		
The Oxford Solid State Basics	Steven H. Simon	Oxford University Press		1		2013	291	New	no	no	moving box 1	978-0-199-68077-1	QC176.S488 2013	EA96C4DF5569020F6803452A647643F0	3	Amazon	Undergrad	Ashcroft-Mermin is probably better.	
Particles and Nuclei: An Introduction to the Physical Concepts	Bogdan Povh, Klaus Rith, Cristoph Scholz, Frank Zetsche, Werner Rodejohann	Springer	Graduate Texts in Physics	7		2015	458	new	yes	no	moving box 1	978-3-662-46320-8	QC776.T4513 2015	2B93E30EA9CDCB1678DEE8E86E603828	3	Amazon	Undergrad	Very meh.	
Linear Algebra Done Right	Sheldon Axler	Springer	Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics	3		2015	340	New	yes	no	moving box 1	978-3-319-11079-0	QA184.A96 2015	491CE071A29E3969624B4E47380BBF1E	4	Amazon	Undergrad	Bible 2: Vector Boogaloo	
Advanced Calculus: An Introduction to Linear Analysis	Leonard F. Richardson	Wiley		1		2008	387	New	yes	no	bedroom box 1	978-0-470-23288-0	QA303.2.R53 2008	284ECB98DC7F408401741D39634D13C6	4	Amazon	Undergrad		
Operating Systems: Design and Implementation	Andrew S. Tannenbaum	Prentice-Hall		1		1987	719	New	yes	no	moving box 1	978-0-136-37496-9	QA76.76.063T36		3	LSU	Undergrad		
Complex Variables and Applications	James Ward Brown and Ruel V. Churchill	McGraw-Hill		9		2014	461	Good	yes	no	moving box 1	978-0-073-38317-1	QA331.7.C524	C7C1726840761A50F598AA330894BCD0	4	Amazon	Spring 2019		
Differential Geometry: Connections, Curvature, and Characteristic Classes	Loring W. Tu	Springer	Graduate Texts in Mathematics	1		2017	346	New	yes	no	moving box 1	978-3-319-55082-4		5186171CB28A64137CE950EF622D405C	1	Amazon	undergrad		
Linear Systems	Thomas Kailath	Prentice-Hall	Prentice-Hall Information and System Science	1		1980	682	New	yes	no	moving box 1	978-0-135-36961-4	QA402.K295	44A0FB156DE7495812F2058AE82F706E	1	Dickson Street Bookshop	March 2023		A self-contained, highly motivated and comprehensive account of basic methods for analysis andapplication of linear systems that arise in signal processing problems in communications, control, system identificationand digital filtering.
Geometry, Topology, and Physics	M Nakahara	Taylor & Francis	Graduate Student Series in Physics	2		2003	573	New	no	no	moving box 1	978-0-750-30606-5	QA641.N35 2003	58D59F701B3108E3D8A8916A6F80770D	3	Amazon	undergrad		
Naive Set Theory	Paul R. Halmos	Dover		reprint		2017	104	New	no	no	moving box 1	978-0-486-81487-2	QA248.H26 2017	450653DD557A4446C055CB8D30BC43AD	3	Amazon	undergrad		
The Quantum Theory of Radiation	E.R. Pike and Sarben Sarkar	Oxford Science Publications	International Series of Monographs on Physics	1		1995	342	New	yes	no	moving box 1	978-0-198-52032-8	QC174.45.P55 1995	D5E2D02D482DE19D7E6B7F30566FDF88	2	LSU	undergrad		
Knots and Physics	Louis H. Kauffman	World Scientific Publishing	Series on Knots and Everything	4		2013	846	New	no	no	moving box 1	978-9=814-38301-1	QC20.7.K56.K38 2013	8A543CAECF9092F210B6175D7315D225	2	Gift	ancient history		
The Road to Serfdom	F.A. Hayek	The University of Chicago Press	The Collected Works of F.A. Hayek	1		1989	283	Good	yes	yes	moving box 1	978-0-226-32055-7	HB171.H426 1989		1	Gift	ancient history		
Theoretical Physics	Georg Joos, Ira M. Freeman	Dover		3		1958	885	Good	no	no	moving box 1	978-0-486-65227-0	QC20.J613 1986	57F4F51DA16D1031BD11791B3CE9AB79	2	Dickson Street Bookshop	ancient history		
Elantris	Brandon Sanderson	Tor Fantasy		1		2005	638	Good	no	no	moving box 1	978-0-765-35037-4	PS3619.A533.E43 2005	F9852CCBC79D27C03BEF2F9C303A95B7	5	Unknown	ancient history		
Contact	Carl Sagan	Simon and Schuster		1		1985	432	Good	no	no	moving box 1	978-0-671-43400-4	PS3569.A287C6 1985		1	brother snuck it into my books so he didn't have to do summer reading	ancient history		
Feynman Lectures on Gravitation	Richard P. Feynman, Fernando B. Monigo, William G. Wagner	Westview Press	The Advanced Book Program	1		2003	232	New	no	no	moving box 1	97-0-813-34038-1	QC178.F49 1995		2	Gift	ancient history		
Warbreaker	Brandon Sanderson	Tor Fantasy		1		2009	676	Good	no	no	moving box 1	978-0-765-36003-8	PS3619.A533.W37 2009	2CD882F09B7D982FA23A082B6E0DD4EB	5	Unknown	ancient history		
Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians	Leon A. Takhtajan	American Mathematical Society	Graduate Studies in Mathematics	1		2008	378	New	yes	no	moving box 1	978-0-821-84360-8	QC174.12.43 2008	169DCCD82CEAF12F5542F2B8C2550DE4	2	Amazon	Undergrad		This book provides a comprehensive treatment of quantum mechanics from a mathematics perspectiveand is accessible to mathematicians starting with second-year graduate students.In addition to traditional topics, like classical mechanics, mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics, quantization,and the Schrodinger equation, this book gives a mathematical treatment of systems of identical particles with spin,and it introduces the reader to functional methods in quantum mechanics.This includes the Feynman path integral approach to quantum mechanics, integration in functional spaces,the relation between Feynman and Wiener integrals, Gaussian integration and regularized determinants of differential operators,fermion systems and integration over anticommuting (Grassmann) variables, supersymmetry and localization in loop spaces,and supersymmetric derivation of the Atiyah-Singer formula for the index of the Dirac operator.Prior to this book, mathematicians could find these topics only in physics textbooks and in specialized literature.This book is written in a concise style with careful attention to precise mathematics formulation of methods and results.Numerous problems, from routine to advanced, help the reader to master the subject.In addition to providing a fundamental knowledge of quantum mechanics, this book could also serve as a bridgefor studying more advanced topics in quantum physics, among them quantum field theory.Prerequisites include standard first-year graduate courses covering linear and abstract algebra, topology and geometry,and real and complex analysis.
Quantum Field Theory: Batalin-Vilkovisky Formalism and Its Applications	Pavel Mnev	American Mathematical Society	University Lecture Series	1		2019	186	New	no	no	moving box 1	978-1-147-04527-1	QC174.45.M635 2019	3F37D55C4194866BC9BDE9B4AF52D6A5	2	Amazon	undergrad		This book originated from lecture notes for the course given by the author at the University of Notre Dame in the fall of 2016.The aim of the book is to give an introduction to the perturbative path integral for gauge theories(in particular, topological field theories) in Batalin Vilkovisky formalism and to some of its applications.The book is oriented toward a graduate mathematical audience and does not require any prior physics background.To elucidate the picture, the exposition is mostly focused on finite-dimensional models for gauge systems and path integrals,while giving comments on what has to be amended in the infinite-dimensional case relevant to local field theory.Motivating examples discussed in the book include Alexandrov Kontsevich Schwarz Zaboronsky sigma models,the perturbative expansion for Chern Simons invariants of 3-manifoldsgiven in terms of integrals over configurations of points on the manifold,the BF theory on cellular decompositions of manifolds, and Kontsevich's deformation quantization formula.
Conquering the Physics GRE	Yoni Kahn and Adam Anderson	Cambridge University Press		3		2018	282	Fair	no	no	moving box 1	978-1-108-40956-8	QC32.K3 2018	4221C14A5F416D8842D7567C2B1A4C5E	4	Amazon	undergrad		"Studying for the GRE can be overwhelming!This book is long because it contains all the information you need to ace the exam, but not every student needs to study every chapter in equal detail.Here are some suggestions for how to use this book.The Physics GRE is a test of outside knowledge, so some memorization is inevitable.However, we have made a concerted effort to separate equations which are only used in special worked examplesfrom equations which are worth remembering for the test.The only equations worth remembering are given equation numbers and are included in the Equation Index at the back of the bookalong with the page number where they appear; anything else you can safely forget for test day.This is still quite a long list, so rather than memorize each equation, check out Chapter 9 for suggestions on how to reduce your memorization workloadby deriving more complex equations from more basic ones.
Hayek: His Contribution to the Political and Economic Thought of Our Time	Eamonn Butler	Universe Books		1		1985	168	Good	yes	yes	moving box 1	978-0-876-63457-7	HB101.H39B87 1985		1	Gift	Undergrad		
Finite Element Analysis Fundamentals	Richard H. Gallagher	Prentice-Hall	Prentice-Hall Civil Enginerering and Engineering Mechanics	1		1975	420	Good	yes	yes	moving box 1	978-0-133-17248-1	TA646.G33 1975		1	Dickson Street Bookshop	March 2023		
Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems: Distributed, Database, and Multiprocessor Operating Systems	Mukesh Singhal, Niranjan G. Shivaratri	McGraw-Hill	McGraw-Hill Series in Computer Science	1		1994	522	New	yes	no	moving box 1	978-0-07-957572-X	QA76.76.063.S565 1994	AB844F131471258318CCF57D367A7409	1	LSU	undergrad		Operating systems have evolved substantially over the past two decades,and there is a need for a book which can explain major developments and changes in this dynamic field.This is such a book.Comprehensive, and useful as a text and reference, Advanced Concepts in Operating Systemslays down all the concepts and mechanisms involved in the design of advanced operating systems.The discussion is reinforced by many examples and cases.
Linear Algebra with Applications	Otto Bretscher	Pearson		5		2019	497	Good	no	no	moving box 1	978-0-93-534-3304-8	QA184.2.B73 2019	B695F15487801F071E46FC80E4355135	4	Unknown	Spring 2020	Indian editions are weird and bad.	Linear transformations are introduced early in the textto make the discussion of matrix operations more meaningful and easier to navigate.Visualization and geometrical interpretation are emphasized extensively throughout the text.An abundance of problems, exercises, and applications help students assess their understanding and master the material.Abstract concepts are introduced gradually throughout the text.Major ideas are carefully developed at various levels of generality before the student is introduced to abstract vector spaces.Discrete and continuous dynamical systems are used as a motivation for eigenvectors and as a unifying theme thereafter.Fifty to sixty True/False questions conclude every chapter, testing conceptual understandingand encouraging students to read the text.Historical problems from ancient Chinese, Indian, Arabic, and early European sourcesadd diversity to the selection of exercises.Rotations, reflections, projections, and shears are used throughout to illustrate new ideas.Multiple perspectives on the kernel of a matrix are presented, with a stronger emphasis on the relations among the columns.Commutative diagrams enhance students' conceptual understanding of the matrix of a linear transformation.These diagrams enable students to visualize the relations between linear transformations.A more conceptual approach to the QR factorization is presented, in terms of a change-of-basis.
Probability Theory: The Logic of Science	E.T. Jaynes	Cambridge University Press		1		2003	727	New	yes	no	Bedroom bookshelf	978-0-521-59271-0	QA273.J36 2003	9F66B52D48E834CE0B520096F7FB87EF	2	Amazon	Undergrad		Going beyond the conventional mathematics of probability theory, this study views the subject in a wider context.It discusses new results, along with applications of probability theory to a variety of problems.The book contains many exercises and is suitable for use as a textbook on graduate-level courses involving data analysis.Aimed at readers already familiar with applied mathematics at an advanced undergraduate level or higher,it is of interest to scientists concerned with inference from incomplete information.
Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing	William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vettering	Cambridge University Press		1		1986	818	Fair	yes	yes	Bedroom bookshelf	978-0-521-30811-9	QA297.N866 1986			1	Amazon	June 2023	
Enumerative Combinatorics	Richard P. Stanley	Cambridge University Press	Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics	2	1	2012	626	New	yes	yes	Bedroom bookshelf	978-1-107-60262-5	QA164.8.S73 2011	B32B3D700D21CC27D67601A29911F887	1	Amazon	June 2023		
Naive Lie Theory	John Stillwell	Springer	Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics	1		2008	217	New	yes	yes	Bedroom bookshelf	978-0-387-78214-0	QA252.3.S74 2008	0B363588E7F8414FDA49866D0792E253	2	Amazon	June 2023		
Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market: The Scholar's Edition	Murray N. Rothbard	Ludwig von Mises Institute		2		2009	1438	New	yes	no	Bedroom bookshelf	978-1-933-55027-5	HB171.R68 2009	E2BFB1BF789A6EFA346CBBCCD8B88777	1	Amazon	June 2023		
Anarchy, State, and Utopia	Robert Nozick	Basic Books		2		2013	372	New	no	no	Bedroom bookshelf	978-0-465-05100-7	JC571.N68 2013	3AECCF2D9E728142D87A3F08FE0F2B10	1	Amazon	June 2023		
For A New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto	Murray N. Rothbard	Ludwig von Mises Institute		1		2023	420	New	no	no	Bedroom bookshelf	978-1-61016-731-4	JC.599.U5.R66 2023		1	Amazon	June 2023		
Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry	David Eisenbud	Springer	Graduate Texts in Mathematics	1		2004	797	New	no	no	Bedroom bookshelf	0-387-94269-6	QA251.3.E38 2004	224E519DCF53BF9810D7D634E9C27E70	2	gift	December 2022		
Methods of Theoretical Physics	Philip M. Morse, Herman Feshbach	McGraw-Hill		1	2	1953	979	Good	yes	no	Bedroom bookshelf		QC20.M6 1953	BA3437B05BB7EB63C1ABCEB64F180C95	1	Amazon	June 2023		
Methods of Theoretical Physics	Philip M. Morse, Herman Feshbach	McGraw-Hill		1	1	1953	997	Good	yes	no	Bedroom bookshelf		QC20.M6 1953	8734CBE3E52C29824AE3AD257DF375B4	1	Amazon	June 2023		
Integrated Circuits: Design Principles and Fabrication	Engineering Staff of Motorola Semiconductor Products Division	Motorola		1		1965	383	Good	yes	yes	Bedroom bookshelf	678-9-101112	TK7874.M56 1965		2	Dickson Street Bookshop	March 2023		
Topoi: The Categorical Analysis of Logic	Robert Goldblatt	Dover		2		2006	551	New	no	no	Bedroom bookshelf	978-0-468-45026-1	QA169.G64 1983	5355A6047086FD06CBCC6CF62D6205F9	2	Amazon	Fall 2022		A classic exposition of a branch of mathematical logic that uses category theory,this text is suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduate studentsand accessible to both philosophically and mathematically oriented readers.Its approach moves always from the particular to the general, following through the steps of the abstraction processuntil the abstract concept emerges naturally.Beginning with a survey of set theory and its role in mathematics, the text proceeds to definitions and examples of categoriesand explains the use of arrows in place of set-membership.The introduction to topos structure covers topos logic, algebra of subobjects, and intuitionism and its logic,advancing to the concept of functors, set concepts and validity, and elementary truth.Explorations of categorial set theory, local truth, and adjointness and quantifiers conclude with a study of logical geometry.
Introduction to Lattices and Order	B.A. Davey and H.A. Priestly	Cambridge University Press		2		2002	298	New	no	no	Bedroom bookshelf	 978-0-521-7851-1	QA.171.5.D38 2002	875BA80648218E512C5E64867920BBF9	2	Amazon	Fall 2022		Ordered structures have been increasingly recognized in recent yearsdue to an explosion of interest in theoretical computer science and all areas of discrete mathematics.This book covers areas such as ordered sets and lattices.A key feature of ordered sets, one which is emphasized in the text, is that they can be represented pictorially.Lattices are also considered as algebraic structures and hence a purely algebraic studyis used to reinforce the ideas of homomorphisms and of ideals encountered in group theory and ring theory.Exposure to elementary abstract algebra and the rotation of set theory are the only prerequisites for this text.For the new edition, much has been rewritten or expanded and new exercises have been added.
Introduction to Algorithms	Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest	The MIT Press, McGraw-Hill	MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science	1		1990	1028	Fair	no	no	Bedroom bookshelf	0-262-03141-8, 0-07-013143-0	QA.76.6.C662 1989	2A82430839764BFE84DA9238F93B5C60	1	Amazon	June 2023		There are books on algorithms that are rigorous but not complete and books that cover masses of material but are not rigorous.Introduction to Algorithms combines the attributes of comprehensiveness and comprehensibility.It will be equally useful as a text, a handbook, and a general reference."Introduction to Algorithms" covers both classical material and such modern developments as amortized analysis and parallel algorithms.The mathematical exposition, while rigorous, is carefully detailed so that it will be accessible to all levels of readers.Chapters are organized so that they start with elementary material and progress to more advanced topics.Each chapter is relatively self-contained and can be used as a unit of study.Algorithms are presented in a pseudocode that can be easily read by anyone familiar with Fortran, C, or Pascal.Numerous pertinent examples, figures, exercises, and case-study problems emphasize both engineering and mathematical aspects of the subject.