path: root/dnw
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dnw')
4 files changed, 407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dnw/static-pages.scm b/dnw/static-pages.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..578e009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dnw/static-pages.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+(define-module (dnw static-pages)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 popen)
+ #:use-module (dnw utils)
+ #:use-module (dnw theme)
+ #:use-module (dnw tags)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:use-module (sxml simple)
+ #:use-module (haunt page)
+ #:use-module (haunt utils)
+ #:use-module (haunt post)
+ #:use-module (haunt html)
+ #:export (index-page
+ me-page
+ friends-page
+ influences-page))
+;; TODO: tags-template
+;; building index-page
+(define about
+ `(section (@ (id "about"))
+ (div
+ (p "My name is Duncan. I live below the Mason-Dixon.")
+ (p "I write down thoughts I think are interesting here."))))
+(define (recents site posts)
+ `(section (@ (id "recent"))
+ (div
+ (h1 "Recent Posts"
+ ,(hyperlink "/feed.xml" (image "rss.png" "RSS Feed Icon" "rss-icon")))
+ (div (@ (class "post-listing"))
+ ,(map (lambda (post)
+ (post-header site post))
+ (take-up-to 10 (posts/reverse-chronological posts))))
+ ,(hyperlink "/posts" "All Posts"))))
+(define (index-content site posts)
+ `(,about ,(recents site posts)))
+(define (index-page site posts)
+ (make-page "/index.html"
+ (base-template site (index-content site posts) #:title "Home ")
+ sxml->html))
+(define me
+ `((section (@ (id "addressbook"))
+ (ul (p "GPG: " ,(hyperlink "/assets/pubkey.txt" "A63B DBA0 B4FB 6EAB 1D1A 6665 029C EF3B A922 2674")))
+ (ul (p "Email: (rot13 \"qaj@shapgbevny.klm\")")
+ (p "Matrix: (rot13 \"\")")
+ (p "IRC: (rot13 \"SynzvaJnyehf@yvoren.pung\")"))
+ (ul (p "Nostr: npub1a706jyq9hljs08fsr7ejzr3g4l33fpwnadxp63hmjp6tshfvlcqs6z3w29"))
+ (ul (p "Github: " ,(hyperlink "" "Antigravityd")))) ;; TODO: consider moving to Sourcehut.
+ (section (@ (id "prose"))
+ (h1 "About Me")
+ (p "My name is Duncan. I am 20, and have lived most of my life in rural Arkansas. I graduated in 2023 from LSU, cum laude, "
+ "with dual degrees in math and physics, and have at various times been employed as a dishwasher, maintainence guy, tutor, "
+ "data science intern, embedded developer, and research scientist. I am currently unemployed.")
+ (p "Had I my druthers, I would like to be able to make a career out of decentralized science, "
+ "doing physics research and teaching not dependent on the state or the university system and their insidious pollution"
+ "of the discipline. "
+ "In the interim, I'm in no way above contributing to society more directly. Hire me; I'll learn anything. I have a "
+ ,(hyperlink "/assets/cv.pdf" "terrible CV") " you can read.")
+ (h1 "Academic Interests")
+ (h2 "Physical Science")
+ (p "I've planned on studying physics since I was 5. I enjoy studing almost anything that's natural and dead, "
+ "and all my other interests are largely subsidiary to this. "
+ "I like the areas where physics intersects with math, particularly when it does so in mathematically-exciting ways. "
+ "I also " (emph "loved") " my classes about emergent phenomena: thermodynamic, statistical, and condensed-matter physics. "
+ "I spent the latter half of my time working under Jeff Chancellor's Space Radiation Transport and Applied Nuclear Physics "
+ "(SpaRTAN physics) research group, doing embedded design of radiation detectors and writing improvements for transport code.")
+ (h2 "Mathematics")
+ (p "I view math primarily as a tool for physical science and philosophy in general. "
+ "Accordingly, I want to get to the frontier of the discipline as fast as possible: I probably will need to make new tools. "
+ "The only domain that seems not to have borne much practical fruit, except as a " (emph "target") " for developing "
+ "\"real\" tools, is number theory. "
+ "However, I particularly like topology/geometry and algebra, and would prefer if analysis and discrete math borrowed "
+ "as many of its tools and methods as possible.")
+ (h2 "Computation")
+ (p "Fundamentally, computer science is a branch of mathematics, in my view. "
+ "I am interested in ways to compute as abstractly, efficiently, securely, and correctly as possible. "
+ "As such, I enjoy functional and logic programming languages, which succeed by representing computation in maximally "
+ "mathematical form, using the abstractions that have been most useful in a general context. "
+ "I like writing things in Haskell and Lisp. I have written many things in Python, C, and Fortran. "
+ "I didn't enjoy it (although Fortran was much better than expected—prefered to C). "
+ "I would like to learn Rust to replace the latter two, and also Lean for formal verification of mathematics and programs. "
+ "Julia as a scripting language is also intriguing, for projects consumed by people allergic to parentheses. "
+ "Software that is not " ,(hyperlink "" "Free") " might as well not be software at all. "
+ "I use GNU Emacs for almost everything.")
+ (h2 "Engineering")
+ (p "For all of the above, you have to build real, material things. "
+ "Physical science requires the construction of detectors, accelerators, and whatnot; "
+ "mathematics needs blackboards, chalk, printing presses, and a society to ignore; "
+ "and computation needs computers and network technology. "
+ "This is predominantly electrical work—designing silicon, circuits, wire protocols, radios, and so on. "
+ "I've done a fair bit of this. "
+ "However, that electrical work is predicated on things like power generation, structures to protect the electronics, etc. "
+ "So, I aspire to learn \"real\" CAD at some point, and understand these things too. ")
+ (h2 "Praxeology")
+ (p "There simply is not enough time in a person's life for autarkic, first-principles generation of every part of every thing "
+ "one's primary interests depend on. "
+ "It is critically important to understand and verify those steps, but it is necessary to outsource their production. "
+ "In order to understand the principles under which this outsourcing occurs, why it's even possible at all, "
+ "and how it need not be vicious, one must study the category of action. "
+ "Austrian economics, and more generally praxeology, does so correctly. "
+ "The critical error of conventional economics, as with many social- and life-science disciplines, "
+ "is thoughtless application of the methods of physical science, without careful consideration of whether the philosophical "
+ "conditions the correctness of those methods depend are present. "
+ "These fail spectacularly in analysis of action: the wants and desires of humans are not immutable, comparable quantities. "
+ "However, Austrian economists tend to thoughtlessly reject methodological precision due to superficial association "
+ "with these historical fallacies. "
+ "A mathematical, in the truest sense, grounding for the reasoning of Mises, Rothbard, and Hoppe "
+ "is a longstanding pet project of mine. ")
+ (h2 "Foundations: Philosophy and Theology")
+ (p "All of this again rests on some foundational definitions and propositions about the nature of reality, truth, reason, mind, "
+ "beauty, and morality. "
+ "Very recently, I've become acutely interested in these foundations, particularly the philosophy of mathematics and science. "
+ "I am metaphysically an ardent platonist, and believe that analysis of the problem of perception in a platonist context "
+ "contains parts identifiable with mathematics and science. "
+ "This analysis, however, carries little further: I am attracted to methodological anarchy, which holds "
+ "that there is no essential distinction between practice, philosophy, teaching, and history of science (and mathematics)."
+ "Anything and everything there is fair game—and many scientific revolutions are the result of such foundational assaults.")
+ (p "That the philosophical tradition which created the modern world emerged almost exclusively out of Abrahamic religion, "
+ "and that its sustaining manifestation is almost exclusively owed to Protestant Christians, carries tremedous weight with me."
+ " I see no essential difference between these theological premises and philosophy, save methodology—"
+ "the former implemented in story, and the latter rhetoric—and accordingly extend foundational interest to Christiandom.")
+ (h2 "Blind Spots")
+ (p "I don't know much about linguistics and aesthetics/art (save the mere verneer to which all men are exposed). "
+ "These are similarly foundational, as philosophy can only be communicated through language, and must be bootstrapped "
+ "by the beautiful (usually stories). "
+ "I would like to learn these things, but am not taking active measures in any capacity to do so at the moment.")
+ (h1 "Anti-Interests")
+ (p "I dislike: OOP, Javascript, the Intel Management Engine, almost all TV and movies, number theory, measure theory, "
+ "drugs, the War on Drugs, appeals to authority, the Federal Reserve System, occupational licensure, and collectivism.")
+ (h1 "Touching Grass")
+ (p "I listen to (.*)core, rock and metal from the 60s–80s, microtonal and avant-garde jazz and classical, and old standards. "
+ "I all-too-seldom go outside: when I remember I enjoy it, I resistance train, hike, (spin|fly) fish, (snow|water) ski, "
+ "climb, and mountaineer. "
+ "I read high fantasy and sci-fi obsessively for about 10 years, and occasionally go back through "
+ "the Tolkein, Jordan, and Sanderson novels I love. "
+ "I watch a lot of football and baseball; my Tigers picked up a ring in each while I was there."))))
+(define (me-page site posts)
+ (make-page "/pages/me.html"
+ (base-template site me #:title "Me")
+ sxml->html))
+(define friends
+ `((h1 "Friends")
+ (p "Blogs/websites of people and corporations I know firsthand, as friends, colleagues, or employers. ")
+ (table
+ (tbody
+ (tr (td ,(hyperlink "" "Atlantis Industries")) (td "Worked on retainer with them for a year."))
+ (tr (td ,(hyperlink "" "SpaRTAN Physics")) (td "Lab I spent half my undergrad in."))
+ (tr (td ,(hyperlink "" "Jeff Chancellor"))
+ (td "My undergrad advisor, founder and CTO of Atlantis and director of SpaRTAN Physics."))))))
+(define (friends-page site posts)
+ (make-page "/pages/friends.html"
+ (base-template site friends #:title "Friends")
+ sxml->html))
+(define influences
+ `((h1 "Influences")
+ (p "Anything and everything I can think of that's affected how I think. ")
+ (h2 "Blogs")
+ (h2 "Books and Monographs")
+ (h2 "Scholarly Articles")
+ (h2 "Videos and Talks")))
+(define (influences-page site posts)
+ (make-page "/pages/influences.html"
+ (base-template site influences #:title "Influences")
+ sxml->html))
diff --git a/dnw/tags.scm b/dnw/tags.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c00354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dnw/tags.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+(define-module (dnw tags)
+ #:use-module (dnw theme)
+ #:use-module (haunt post)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (haunt html)
+ #:use-module (haunt post)
+ #:use-module (haunt page)
+ #:use-module (haunt utils)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:export (group-by-tag
+ count-tags
+ tag-uri
+ tags->page
+ tag-description
+ desc-alist))
+(define (group-by-tag posts)
+ "Given a lisp of haunt posts generate a list grouping tags with the
+posts associated with it."
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
+ (for-each (lambda (post)
+ (let ((tags (post-ref post 'tags)))
+ (for-each (lambda (tag)
+ (let ((current (hash-ref table tag)))
+ (if current
+ (hash-set! table tag (cons post current))
+ (hash-set! table tag (list post)))))
+ tags)))
+ posts)
+ (hash-fold alist-cons '() table)))
+(define (count-tags posts)
+ "Return a list of tags associated with their count in descending
+ (sort (map (lambda (tag)
+ (list (car tag) (length (cdr tag))))
+ (group-by-tag posts))
+ (lambda (a b) (> (cadr a) (cadr b)))))
+(define (tag-uri tag)
+ "Given a TAG return the page that contains only posts associated
+with that TAG."
+ (string-append "/posts/tag/" tag ".html"))
+(define (tags->page site posts)
+ (flat-map (match-lambda
+ ((tag . posts)
+ (make-page (tag-uri tag)
+ (base-template site (tags-template site posts #:title tag)
+ #:title tag)
+ sxml->html)))
+ (group-by-tag posts)))
+(define (tag-description tag descalist)
+ (let ((desc (assoc tag descalist)))
+ (if desc
+ `(p ,(cdr desc))
+ '(p "No description."))))
+(define desc-alist
+ '(("Test" . "This is a test of the tag description feature.")))
diff --git a/dnw/theme.scm b/dnw/theme.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69688bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dnw/theme.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+(define-module (dnw theme)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:use-module (haunt site)
+ #:use-module (haunt post)
+ #:use-module (haunt utils)
+ #:use-module (dnw utils)
+ #:use-module (dnw tags)
+ #:use-module (haunt builder blog)
+ #:export (dnw-haunt-theme
+ base-template
+ post-header
+ tags-template))
+(define stylesheets '("style.css"))
+(define nav-bar-tabs '(("Me" "/pages/me.html")
+ ("Friends" "/pages/friends.html")
+ ("Influences" "/pages/influences.html")
+ ("Projects" "/posts/tag/Project.html")))
+(define dnw-title "Through the Heart of Every Man")
+(define header
+ `(header
+ ,(hyperlink "/" (image "combgeo.png" "home"))
+ (h1 ,dnw-title)
+ (nav (ul
+ ,@(map (lambda (tuple)
+ `(li ,(apply hyperlink (reverse tuple))))
+ nav-bar-tabs)))))
+(define footer
+ `(footer
+ (div
+ (p "© 2023 Duncan Wilkie")
+ ,(image "by-sa.svg"
+ "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) Logo"))
+ (p "Unless otherwise specified, the text and images on this site are free culture works available under the "
+ ,(hyperlink ""
+ "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International")
+ " license.")
+ (p "This website is built with "
+ ,(hyperlink "" "Haunt")
+ ", a static site generator written in "
+ ,(hyperlink "" "Guile Scheme")
+ ". The source code is available "
+ ,(hyperlink "" "here")
+ ".")))
+(define* (base-template site body #:key title)
+ `((doctype html)
+ (html (@ (lang "en")))
+ (head
+ ,(if (null? title)
+ `(title title)
+ `(title ,(string-join (list title dnw-title) " — ")))
+ (meta (@ (charset "utf-8")))
+ (meta (@ (name "viewport")
+ (content "width=device-width, initial_scale=1")))
+ ,@(map (lambda (file-name) (stylesheet file-name)) stylesheets)
+ (meta (@ (name "HandheldFriendly") (content "True")))
+ (meta (@ (name "author") (content "Duncan Wilkie")))
+ (meta (@ (name "subject") (content "Ravings of a Madman")))
+ (meta (@ (name "medium") (content "blog")))
+ (meta (@ (name "og:title") (content ,title))))
+ (body (@ (class ""))
+ ,header
+ ,body
+ ,footer)))
+(define (post-meta post)
+ `(p ,(let ((tgs (post-ref post 'tags))
+ (datestr (date->string (post-date post) "~e ~B ~Y")))
+ (if tgs
+ `(,(string-append datestr " | ")
+ (span (@ (class "tags"))
+ ,(map (lambda (tag)
+ `(span
+ ,(hyperlink (tag-uri tag) tag)
+ " "))
+ tgs)))
+ datestr))))
+(define (post-header site post)
+ `(div (@ (id "post"))
+ (div (@ (class "title"))
+ (h2 ,(hyperlink (post-uri site post)
+ (post-ref post 'title))))
+ (div (@ (class "subtitle"))
+ ,(post-meta post))))
+(define (post-template post)
+ `((h1 ,(post-ref post 'title))
+ ,(post-meta post)
+ ,(post-sxml post)))
+(define* (tags-template site posts #:key title)
+ `((section (@ (id "posts"))
+ (div (@ (class "container"))
+ (h1 "Tagged #" ,title)
+ ,(tag-description title desc-alist)
+ (div (@ (class "post-listing"))
+ ,(map (lambda (post)
+ (post-header site post))
+ (posts/reverse-chronological posts)))))))
+(define (collection-template site title posts prefix)
+ `((section (@ (id "posts"))
+ (div (@ (class "container"))
+ (h1 "All Posts"
+ ,(hyperlink "/feed.xml" (image "rss.png" "RSS Feed Icon" "rss-icon")))
+ (div (@ (class "post-listing"))
+ ,(map (lambda (post) (post-header site post))
+ (posts/reverse-chronological posts)))))))
+(define dnw-haunt-theme
+ (theme #:name "Through the Heart of Every Man"
+ #:layout
+ (lambda (site title body)
+ (base-template
+ site body
+ #:title dnw-title))
+ #:post-template post-template
+ #:collection-template collection-template))
diff --git a/dnw/utils.scm b/dnw/utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25ed97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dnw/utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+;; Shameless "borrowing" of SXML conveniences from and
+;; A few modifications and a few additions.
+(define-module (dnw utils)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (haunt site)
+ #:export
+ (hyperlink
+ image
+ stylesheet
+ script
+ post-uri))
+(define (hyperlink target text)
+ `(a (@ (href ,target)) ,text))
+(define* (image file-name #:optional description class)
+ (let ((src (string-append "/assets/image/" file-name)))
+ (if description
+ (if class
+ `(img (@ (src ,src) (alt ,description) (title ,description) (class ,class)))
+ `(img (@ (src ,src) (alt ,description) (title ,description))))
+ (if class
+ `(img (@ (src ,src) (class ,class)))
+ `(img (@ (src ,src)))))))
+(define (stylesheet file-name)
+ `(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(format #f "/assets/css/~a" file-name)))))
+(define (script file-name)
+ (let ((src (string-append "/assets/js/" file-name)))
+ `(script (@ (src ,src)))))
+(define (post-uri site post)
+ (string-append "/posts/" (site-post-slug site post) ".html"))