path: root/ic-reals-6.3/save-real.h
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1 files changed, 504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ic-reals-6.3/save-real.h b/ic-reals-6.3/save-real.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..572b2d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ic-reals-6.3/save-real.h
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+ * Copyright (C) 2000, Imperial College
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Imperial College Exact Real Arithmetic Library.
+ * See the copyright notice included in the distribution for conditions
+ * of use.
+ */
+ * This is the include for all applications using reals. It defines all
+ * the types the user sees, principally Real and Bool, and the prototypes
+ * functions which operate on these types.
+ *
+ * It also defines the various types of objects in the heap. Each is a
+ * structure, the first word of which is a tag, containing amongst other
+ * things a code to identify the type of object.
+ */
+#include <gmp.h>
+typedef union _Real * Real;
+typedef union _Bool * Bool;
+ * Each object in the heap is assigned one of the following codes.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ ALT, /* selects amongst boolean guarded expressions */
+ VECTOR, /* a vector (ie rational) */
+ MATX, /* a matrix (the X reflects that there is one argument) */
+ TENXY, /* a tensor (with two arguments) */
+ DIGSX, /* a string or sequence of digits */
+ SIGNX, /* this holds one of the sign values */
+ CLOSURE, /* usually used to lazily produce futher lfts in expressions */
+ BOOLX, /* propositional operator with one argument, eg negation */
+ BOOLXY, /* operator with two arguments, eg conjunction */
+ PREDX /* predicate over reals with one argument, eg x > 0 */
+} ObjType;
+typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1} bool;
+typedef enum {LT = -1, EQ = 0, GT = 1} Comparison;
+ * The first word of each structure in the heap is a tag word defined
+ * below.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned type : 4; /* an ObjType as defined above */
+ unsigned dumped : 1; /* for traversing recursively when printing */
+ unsigned value : 3; /* sign or boolean value */
+ unsigned isSigned : 1; /* true when a real must be signed */
+ unsigned nodeId : 21; /* each node has a unique id for debugging */
+} Tag;
+ * The next segment of the file defines the structures and constants
+ * dealing with reals.
+ */
+ * Next we define the possible sign constant which includes a constant
+ * indicating that the sign is unknown.
+ * The order of the entries in the enum which follows is significant. It
+ * reflects our preference for SZERO. However, note that changing the order of
+ * the constants below is not sufficient to change the preference. One
+ * must also modify emitSign.c.
+ */
+typedef enum {SZERO, SINF, SPOS, SNEG, SIGN_UNKN} Sign;
+typedef enum {DPOS = 1, DNEG = -1, DZERO = 0} Digit;
+ * We define the LFTS: vector, matrix and tensor. There are two
+ * varieties of each: one in which the entries are machine sized integers
+ * and the other in which the entries are GMP large integers.
+ *
+ * Vectors, matrices and tensors are arrays rather than structs. That
+ * way they have size and yet are passed as pointers (lvalues). This
+ * avoids some referencing and dereferencing. It turns out to be more
+ * convenient to define tensors as arrays of vectors rather than pairs
+ * of matrices since often we need to pull out columns without respecting
+ * matrix boundaries.
+ */
+typedef mpz_t Vector[2];
+typedef Vector Matrix[2];
+typedef Vector Tensor[4];
+typedef int SmallVector[2];
+typedef SmallVector SmallMatrix[2];
+typedef SmallVector SmallTensor[4];
+typedef union {
+ Vector Vec;
+ Matrix Mat;
+ Tensor Ten;
+} LFT;
+ * This defines the fields which are common to all real continuations.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ Tag tag;
+} Generic;
+typedef struct {
+ Bool guard;
+ Real x;
+} GuardedExpr;
+typedef struct {
+ Tag tag;
+ void (*force)(); /* is this needed ? */
+ Real redirect; /* this is the ultimate value of the conditional */
+ int nextGE; /* index of next guarded expression to force */
+ int numGE; /* number of guarded expressions in the list */
+ GuardedExpr *GE; /* the list of guarded expressions */
+} Alt;
+ * The x field below is the alternative representation of the real the
+ * Closure denotes. That is, when the closure is forced, it struct points
+ * to the object it unfolds to. That way, any subsequent request to the
+ * closure, won't force a second distinct unfolding.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ Tag tag;
+ void (*force)();
+ void *userData;
+ Real redirect;
+} Cls;
+Heap elements which hold lfts have a strm field. This hold a real stream
+(ie a list of DigsX structures possibly prefixed by a SignX). This real
+denotes the same value as the expression rooted by the lft. In some cases
+having both representations is necessary. For top level vectors and matrices,
+having the stream representation allows us to extract information from
+the lft when demanded for printing. At the same time, the vectors and
+matrices are still available should they become the argument of another
+lft whereupon we want to reduce. The strm field is used by tensors since
+reduction against a tensor argument is not possible and we must emit
+imformation. However, it is sometimes not possible to create the stream
+in advance. If the tensor has an argument guarded by an alt, then the alt
+might eventually reduce to a vector and the tensor reduce to a matrix.
+typedef struct {
+ Tag tag;
+ void (*force)();
+ Real strm;
+ Vector vec;
+} Vec;
+typedef struct {
+ Tag tag;
+ void (*force)();
+ Real strm;
+ Real x;
+ int totalEmitted;
+ Matrix mat;
+} MatX;
+typedef struct {
+ Tag tag;
+ void (*forceX)();
+ void (*forceY)();
+ Real strm;
+ Real x;
+ Real y;
+ signed short totalEmitted;
+ signed short tensorFairness; /* counts left vs right absorptions */
+ int xDigitsNeeded;
+ Tensor ten;
+} TenXY;
+typedef struct {
+ Tag tag;
+ void (*force)();
+ Real x;
+} SignX;
+ * Sequences of digits are represented by ``characteristic pairs''.
+ * This is a pair of integers (n,c) in which c is the coding of
+ * n digits. When n <= DIGITS_PER_WORD, then c can be represented in a
+ * machine word. Otherwise we need a big integer.
+ *
+ * Below we use the value 30. In fact it is possible to use 31. The problem
+ * is that we need DIGITS_PER_WORD + 1 bits when we form a matrix.
+ * Setting it to 30 ensures that it always yields a matrix which fits
+ * into a signed machine word.
+ */
+#define DIGITS_PER_WORD 29
+typedef struct _DigsX {
+ Tag tag;
+ void (*force)();
+ Real x;
+ unsigned count;
+ union {
+ int small;
+ mpz_t big;
+ } word;
+} DigsX;
+union _Real {
+ Generic gen;
+ Alt alt;
+ Vec vec;
+ SignX signX;
+ MatX matX;
+ DigsX digsX;
+ TenXY tenXY;
+ Cls cls;
+ * The next segment of the file defines the structures and constants
+ * dealing with the lazy boolean type.
+ *
+ * I'm not very happy with the names of things here. There is too much
+ * overloading of the term bool (in both upper and lower case).
+ *
+ * bool : this is the usual booleans (two-valued) and used internally
+ * instead of int (and 0/1) simply as a matter of style.
+ * BoolVal : this is three valued boolean type
+ * Bool : this is the lazy boolean type which takes on values from BoolVal.
+ * The type is a union of the various heap allocated structures
+ * relevant to lazy booleans.
+ */
+typedef enum {LAZY_TRUE, LAZY_FALSE, LAZY_UNKNOWN} BoolVal;
+ * This is the constant to flag the default case in the realAlt function.
+ * The second of these is for backwards compatibility.
+ */
+#define DEFAULT_GUARD ((unsigned) 0xffffffffL)
+typedef struct {
+ Tag tag;
+ void (*force)();
+ Real x;
+} PredX;
+typedef struct {
+ Tag tag;
+ void (*force)();
+ Bool x;
+} BoolX;
+typedef struct {
+ Tag tag;
+ void (*force)();
+ Bool x;
+ Bool y;
+} BoolXY;
+union _Bool {
+ struct {
+ Tag tag;
+ void (*force)();
+ } gen;
+ BoolX boolX;
+ BoolXY boolXY;
+ PredX predX;
+void initReals();
+Real consCN(Real, char *, int, int, int);
+void dumpReal(Real);
+void dumpBool(Bool);
+void dumpCell(void *);
+ * An application can set the following string to the name of the
+ * application, typically argv[0].
+ */
+extern char *MyName;
+void force_R_Dec(Real, int);
+void force_R_Digs(Real, int);
+void print_R_Dec(Real, int);
+void print_R_Digs(Real, int);
+void print_R(Real);
+double realToDouble(Real);
+ * Basic LFT creation. This list includes the preferred names (real_*, lft_*)
+ * and the older names which may disappear in a future release.
+ */
+Real real_QInt(int, int);
+Real real_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real lft_R_Int(Real, int, int, int, int);
+Real lft_R_Z(Real, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real lft_R_R_Int(Real, Real, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
+Real lft_R_R_Z(Real, Real, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t,
+ mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real vector_Int(int, int);
+Real vector_Z(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real matrix_Int(Real, int, int, int, int);
+Real matrix_Z(Real, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real tensor_Int(Real, Real, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
+Real tensor_Z(Real, Real, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t,
+ mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real makeStream(Real);
+ * Basic arithmetic functions
+ */
+Real add_R_R(Real, Real);
+Real add_R_Int(Real, int);
+Real add_R_QInt(Real, int, int);
+Real add_R_QZ(Real, mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real sub_R_R(Real, Real);
+Real sub_R_Int(Real, int);
+Real sub_R_QInt(Real, int, int);
+Real sub_Int_R(int, Real);
+Real sub_QInt_R(int, int, Real);
+Real mul_R_R(Real, Real);
+Real mul_R_Int(Real, int);
+Real mul_R_QInt(Real, int, int);
+Real mul_R_QZ(Real, mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real div_R_R(Real, Real);
+Real div_R_Int(Real, int);
+Real div_R_QInt(Real, int, int);
+Real div_Int_R(int, Real);
+Real div_QInt_R(int, int, Real);
+Real pow_R_R(Real, Real);
+Real abs_R(Real);
+Real neg_R(Real);
+ * Analytic functions
+ */
+Real tan_R(Real);
+Real tan_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real tan_QInt(int, int);
+Real atan_R(Real);
+Real atan_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real atan_QInt(int, int);
+Real tanh_R(Real);
+Real tanh_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real tanh_QInt(int, int);
+Real atanh_R(Real);
+Real atanh_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real atanh_QInt(int, int);
+Real sin_R(Real);
+Real sin_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real sin_QInt(int, int);
+Real asin_R(Real);
+Real asin_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real asin_QInt(int, int);
+Real sinh_R(Real);
+Real sinh_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real sinh_QInt(int, int);
+Real asinh_R(Real);
+Real asinh_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real asinh_QInt(int, int);
+Real cos_R(Real);
+Real cos_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real cos_QInt(int, int);
+Real acos_R(Real);
+Real acos_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real acos_QInt(int, int);
+Real cosh_R(Real);
+Real cosh_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real cosh_QInt(int, int);
+Real acosh_R(Real);
+Real acosh_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real acosh_QInt(int, int);
+Real sec_R(Real);
+Real sec_QInt(int, int);
+Real sec_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real asec_R(Real);
+Real asec_QInt(int, int);
+Real asec_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real sech_R(Real);
+Real sech_QInt(int, int);
+Real sech_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real asech_R(Real);
+Real asech_QInt(int, int);
+Real asech_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real cosec_R(Real);
+Real cosec_QInt(int, int);
+Real cosec_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real acosec_R(Real);
+Real acosec_QInt(int, int);
+Real acosec_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real cosech_R(Real);
+Real cosech_QInt(int, int);
+Real cosech_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real acosech_R(Real);
+Real acosech_QInt(int, int);
+Real acosech_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real cotan_R(Real);
+Real cotan_QInt(int, int);
+Real cotan_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real acotan_R(Real);
+Real acotan_QInt(int, int);
+Real acotan_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real cotanh_R(Real);
+Real cotanh_QInt(int, int);
+Real cotanh_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real acotanh_R(Real);
+Real acotanh_QInt(int, int);
+Real acotanh_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real Pi;
+Real E;
+Real sqrt_R(Real);
+Real sqrt_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real sqrt_QInt(int, int);
+Real exp_R(Real);
+Real exp_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real exp_QInt(int, int);
+Real log_R(Real);
+Real log_QZ(mpz_t, mpz_t);
+Real log_QInt(int, int);
+ * Predicates, boolean operators and the conditional.
+ */
+Bool ltEq_R_0(Real);
+Bool lt_R_0(Real);
+Bool lt_R_R(Real, Real);
+Bool ltEq_R_R(Real, Real);
+Bool ltEq_R_QInt(Real, int, int);
+Bool lt_R_QInt(Real, int, int);
+Bool gtEq_R_0(Real);
+Bool gt_R_0(Real);
+Bool gtEq_R_QInt(Real, int, int);
+Bool gt_R_QInt(Real, int, int);
+Bool gt_R_R(Real, Real);
+Bool gtEq_R_R(Real, Real);
+Bool and_B_B(Bool, Bool);
+Bool or_B_B(Bool, Bool);
+Bool not_B(Bool);
+/* BoolVal boolValue(Bool b) */
+#define boolValue(b) ((b)->gen.tag.value)
+Real realIf(int, ...);
+Real realError(char *);
+typedef void * Delay_Arg;
+typedef Real (*Delay_Fun)(Delay_Arg);
+char *digitToString(Digit);
+char *signToString(Sign);
+void retrieveInfo(Real, Sign *, int *, mpz_t);
+Digit takeDigit(int *, mpz_t);