path: root/ic-reals-6.3/doc
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+This directory will eventually contain documents describing the
+implementation. Regretfully, most are incomplete at present.
diff --git a/ic-reals-6.3/doc/implementation-notes/decimal_precision.tex b/ic-reals-6.3/doc/implementation-notes/decimal_precision.tex
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+%\newenvironment{proof}{\textbf{Proof:} \footnotesize}{}
+ { \begin{description} \item[Proof:] \footnotesize }
+ { \end{description} }
+\title{Obtaining a Required Absolute Precision from an Exact Floating Point
+ Number}
+\author{Marko Krznari\'{c}}
+\date{\today} %\date{21 March 2000}
+A real number may be represented as a shrinking sequence of nested,
+ closed intervals with rational end--points whose length tends to
+ zero. We will work in the one--point compactification $\mathbb{R}^*
+ = \mathbb{R} \cup \{ \infty \}$ of the real line, which is usually
+ represented by the unit circle and the stereographic projection. In
+ the LFT approach to Exact Real Arithmetic the sequence of intervals
+ is generated by a sequence of one--dimensional linear fractional
+ transformations (LFTs) applied to a base interval, \cite{vui90,
+ niekor95, edapot97, pot98, hec99}.
+These intervals (LFTs applied to the base interval) are better and
+ better approximations to the real number. Knowing the length of the
+ interval we may tell how good the approximations are. Except of
+ one proposition in \cite{pot98} (Proposition 40, page 129), there
+ are no other references which tell us how to calculate the length
+ of the intervals. Here, we show how to determine the length of the
+ intervals and especially, how to obtain a required decimal
+ precision of a real number.
+\section{Representation of Real Numbers}
+Let us denote the set of matrices with integer coefficients by:
+ \[ \mathbb{M} =
+ \left\{ \left( \begin{array}{cc} a&c\\b&d \end{array}
+ \right)\ |\ a,b,c,d \in \mathbb{Z} \right\}. \]
+ A matrix induces an 1--dimensional LFT (a function from
+ $\mathbb{R}^*$ to $\mathbb{R}^*$) which is given by:
+ \[ \Theta \left( \begin{array}{cc} a&c\\b&d \end{array}
+ \right)(x) = \displaystyle { \frac{ax+c}{bx+d} }. \]
+ We can identify an LFT $\Theta(M)$ with the matrix $M$ and this
+ identification is unique up to scaling by a non--zero
+ integer. The composition of two 1--dimensional LFTs correspond
+ to matrix multiplication. A non--singular matrix $M$ maps an
+ interval to an interval: the interval $[p,q]$ is mapped to
+ $[Mp, Mq]$ for $\det M > 0$ and $[Mq,Mp]$ for $\det M < 0$.
+ In $\mathbb{R}^*$, the interval $[p,q]$ is the set of all of
+ the points which belong to the arc starting from $p$ and going
+ anti--clockwise to $q$ on the unit circle. For example, $[1,-1] =
+ \{ x\ |\ |x| \ge 1 \}$.
+One can easily verify that for any two intervals I and J with rational
+ end--points, there exists an LFT $M$ such that $M(I) = J$. This implies
+ that all rational intervals can be encoded as an LFT applied to a
+ fixed interval, which is called the \textsc{base interval}. Although
+ the choice of the base interval is essentially not relevant (whatever
+ holds for one, will hold, with minor adjustments, for any other
+ base interval), we should choose it in a way to make computations
+ as efficient as possible. There are two base intervals which have
+ been used, namely $[-1,1]$ and $[0,\infty]$. Check \cite{eda97,
+ edapot97, pot98, hec99} for more details.
+For a base interval $[a,b]$, we say that a matrix $M$ is \textsc{refining}
+ if $M[a,b] \subseteq [a,b]$. The set of all refining matrices is
+ denoted by $\mathbb{M}^+$. We also define the \textsc{information} of
+ an LFT $M$ by $\textbf{Info}_{[a,b]}(M) = {\bf Info}(M)=M[a,b]$.
+As we mentioned earlier, a real number can be represented as a
+ shrinking sequence of nested, closed intervals with rational
+ end--points whose length tends to zero. Or, using the facts given
+ above, as a sequence of 1--dimensional LFTs:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rccl}
+ & \{ x \} &=& \displaystyle{ \bigcap_n [p_n,q_n],
+ \qquad p_n,q_n \in \mathbb{Q}, } \vspace{1em} \\
+ & [p_n,q_n] &=& \displaystyle{ M_0 M_1 \ldots M_n [a,b],
+ \qquad \forall n, } \vspace{1em} \\
+ \Rightarrow & \{ x \} &=& \displaystyle{ \bigcap_n M_0 M_1
+ \ldots M_n [a,b], }
+ \end{array} \]
+ where $[a,b]$ is the base interval, $M_0 \in \mathbb{M}$, and
+ $M_n \in \mathbb{M}^+,\ n>0$. This representation is called
+ \textsc{normal product}. The first matrix, $M_0$, determines an
+ interval which contains the real number $x$, while all other matrices
+ refine that interval more and more. By analogy with the usual
+ representation of the real numbers, the first matrix of the normal
+ product, $M_0 \in \mathbb{M}$, is called a \textsc{sign} matrix,
+ while the matrices $M_n \in \mathbb{M}^+$ are called \textsc{digit}
+ matrices.
+ Edalat and Potts in~\cite{eda97,edapot97} proposed a standard form,
+ called \textsc{exact floating point}, EFP, where both, sign and digit
+ matrices, belong to predetermined finite sets of matrices. The
+ information in the sign matrices should overlap and cover
+ $\mathbb{R}^*$. The four sign matrices proposed by Edalat and Potts
+ correspond to rotations of the unit circle by $0^\circ$ (i.e identity),
+ $90^\circ, \ 180^\circ$ and $270^\circ$, and form a cyclic group.
+ Digit matrices should overlap, cover the base interval $[a,b]$, and
+ contract distances in $[a,b]$.
+\section{The Base Interval $[0,\infty]$}
+The main reason to choose $[0,\infty]$ as a base interval is that it is
+ very easy to calculate the information of a matrix $M=\begin{pmatrix}
+ a&c\\b&d \end{pmatrix}$: ${\bf Info}M=[\frac{c}{d},\frac{a}{b}]$ if
+ $\det M > 0$ or ${\bf Info}M=[\frac{a}{b},\frac{c}{d}]$ if $\det M < 0$.
+ In the base interval $[0,\infty]$, the four sign matrices are named
+ as follows:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rccclcrcl}
+ S_+ &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&0 \\ 0&1 \end{pmatrix} &=&
+ S_\infty^{4k} = \textrm{Id}, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(S_+) &=& [0,\infty], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ S_{\infty} &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&1 \\ -1&1 \end{pmatrix} &=&
+ S_\infty^{4k+1}, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(S_\infty) &=& [1,-1], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ S_- &=& \begin{pmatrix} 0&-1 \\ 1&0 \end{pmatrix} &=&
+ S_\infty^{4k+2}, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(S_-) &=& [\infty,0], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ S_0 &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&-1 \\ 1&1 \end{pmatrix} &=&
+ S_\infty^{4k+3}, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(S_0) &=& [-1,1].
+ \end{array} \]
+ It is easy to check that, for example, $S_0 S_\infty =
+ S_\infty S_0 = S_+ = \textrm{Id}$.
+ For an integer $b \ge 2$ we define digit matrices in base $b$ by:
+ \[ D_k = \begin{pmatrix} b+k+1 & b+k-1 \\ b-k-1 & b-k+1 \end{pmatrix}
+ = S_\infty \begin{pmatrix} 1&k\\0&b \end{pmatrix} S_0, \]
+ where $k$ is an integer with $ |k| < b$. Products of digit matrices
+ can be obtained as follows:
+ \[ D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n} = \begin{pmatrix}
+ b^n+c+1 & b^n+c-1 \\ b^n-c-1 & b^n-c+1 \end{pmatrix} =:
+ \mathfrak{D}_c^n, \]
+ where
+ \[ c = c(d_1,d_2,\ldots,d_n) = \sum_{i=1}^n d_i b^{n-i}. \]
+ Furthermore, $\mathfrak{D}_c^n D_d = \mathfrak{D}_{bc+d}^{n+1}$. The
+ number $c$ provides a compressed representation for this product
+ of digit matrices. However, the original sequence of digits usually
+ cannot be recovered from $\mathfrak{D}_c^n$.
+The most used base $b$ in both, theory and practise, is the base $b=2$.
+ In that case, we get the following three digit matrices:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rccclcrcl}
+ D_{-1} &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&0 \\ 1&2 \end{pmatrix} &=&
+ S_\infty \begin{pmatrix} 1&-1 \\0&2 \end{pmatrix} S_0, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(D_{-1}) &=& [0,1], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ D_0 &=& \begin{pmatrix} 3&1 \\ 1&3 \end{pmatrix} &=&
+ S_\infty \begin{pmatrix} 1&0\\0&2 \end{pmatrix} S_0, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(D_0) &=& [\frac{1}{3},3], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ D_1 &=& \begin{pmatrix} 2&1 \\ 0&1 \end{pmatrix} &=&
+ S_\infty \begin{pmatrix} 1&1\\0&2 \end{pmatrix} S_0, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(D_1) &=& [1,\infty].
+ \end{array} \]
+ Any sequence of $n$ digits in base $2$, $D_{d_1},\ D_{d_2},\ \ldots,\
+ D_{d_n}$ can be compressed into the number $c(d_1,d_2,\ldots,d_n)$,
+ which can be represented in only $n+1$ bits of memory.
+\subsection{$S_0 D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$}
+The information of the sign matrix $S_0$ is the interval $[-1,1]$,
+ i.e. $\textbf{Info}(S_0) = [-1,1]$. Any digit in base $b$ will
+ contract distances on the real line by a factor $\frac{1}{b}$.
+ We have the following:
+ \begin{prop} \label{prop:Szero and width of information with base b}
+ \[ {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( S_0 D_{d_1} D_{d_2}
+ \ldots D_{d_n} ) ) = \frac{2}{b^n}, \]
+ where $D_{d_i},\ i=1 \ldots n$, are digits in the base $b$.
+ \end{prop}
+ \begin{proof} As $D_i = S_\infty \begin{pmatrix} 1&d\\0&b \end{pmatrix}
+ S_0$ and $S_\infty S_0 = \textrm{Id}$ we have:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ S_0 D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n} &=& S_0 S_\infty
+ \begin{pmatrix} 1&d_1\\0&b \end{pmatrix} S_0 S_\infty
+ \begin{pmatrix} 1&d_2\\0&b \end{pmatrix} S_0 \ldots S_\infty
+ \begin{pmatrix} 1&d_n\\0&b \end{pmatrix} S_0 \\
+ &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&d_1\\0&b \end{pmatrix}
+ \begin{pmatrix} 1&d_2\\0&b \end{pmatrix} \ldots
+ \begin{pmatrix} 1&d_n\\0&b \end{pmatrix} S_0 \\
+ &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&c\\0&b^n \end{pmatrix} S_0,
+ \end{array} \]
+ where $c = \sum_{i=1}^n d_i b^{n-i}$.
+ Then,
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ \textsf{width} (\textbf{Info}(S_0 D_{d_1} D_{d_2}\ldots D_{d_n}))
+ &=& \textsf{width} \left( \begin{pmatrix} 1&c\\0&b^n
+ \end{pmatrix} S_0 [0,\infty] \right) \\
+ &=& \textsf{width} \left(
+ \begin{pmatrix} 1&c\\0&b^n \end{pmatrix} [-1,1] \right) \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \textsf{width} \left(
+ \left[ \frac{-1+c}{b^n}, \frac{1+c}{b^n} \right] \right) } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{2}{b^n} }.
+ \end{array} \]
+ \end{proof}
+ Knowing that, it is easy to calculate a sufficient number of digits
+ which will achieve any required accuracy.
+\subsection{$S_+ D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$} \label{subsection spos}
+Real numbers which can be represented by the product $S_+ D_{d_1}
+ D_{d_2} \ldots = D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$ are points of the
+ interval $[0,\infty]$. An infinite product of digits $D_{b-1}$ in
+ base $b$ represents $\infty$. Any other infinite product
+ can be written as a finite product of $D_{b-1}$ (exponent), followed
+ by an infinite product of digits starting with $D_k$ where $-(b-1)
+ \le k \le (b-2)$ (mantissa). Any such product represents a
+ non--negative real number $x \in [0,\infty)$.
+If the product represents $\infty$, as it happens with $\frac{1}{0}$, the
+ computation of the interval lengths will not finish in finite
+ time (unless we put a time limit). In all other cases, using
+ Proposition~\ref{prop:Spos and width of information with base b}, we
+ will be able to determine how many digit matrices will be sufficient
+ to satisfy the required accuracy. Proposition~\ref{prop:Spos and
+ width of information with base b} is a generalisation of Potts's
+ Proposition~\ref{prop:width of information with base 2},
+ \cite{pot98}, which we present later.
+ \begin{prop} \label{prop:Spos and width of information with base b}
+ Let $D_{b-1}^e D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n}$ be a finite product
+ of digits in base $b$ with $d_1 \ne (b-1)$.
+ Then:
+ \[ b^{e-n} < {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( D_{b-1}^e D_{d_1}
+ D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n} ) ) < 4 b^{e-n+2}. \]
+ \end{prop}
+ \begin{proof}
+ The product $D_{b-1}^e D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n} = D_{b-1}^e
+ \mathfrak{D}_c^n$ can be compressed into $\mathfrak{D}_{c'}^{n'}$ where
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ n' &=& e+n, \\
+ c' &=& \left[ (b-1)b^{e+n-1} + \ldots + (b-1)b^n \right] + \left[
+ d_1 b^{n-1} + \ldots + d_{n-1} b + d_n \right] \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ b^n (b-1) \frac{b^e-1}{b-1} + c } \\
+ &=& b^{e+n} - b^n + c
+ \end{array} \]
+ Information of $D_{b-1}^e \mathfrak{D}_c^n$ is given by:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ {\bf Info} (D_{b-1}^e \mathfrak{D}_c^n) &=& \begin{pmatrix}
+ b^{n'}+c'+1 & b^{n'}+c'-1 \\ b^{n'}-c'-1 & b^{n'}-c'+1
+ \end{pmatrix} [0,\infty] \\
+ &=& \begin{pmatrix} 2b^{e+n}-(b^n-c-1) & 2b^{e+n}-(b^n-c+1)
+ \\ b^n-c-1 & b^n-c+1 \end{pmatrix} [0,\infty] \\
+ &=& \left[ \displaystyle{ \frac{2b^{e+n}}{b^n-c+1} - 1,
+ \frac{2b^{e+n}}{b^n-c-1} - 1 } \right].
+ \end{array} \]
+ Therefore,
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( D_{b-1}^e \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ) &=&
+ \displaystyle{ \frac{2b^{e+n}}{b^n-c-1} -
+ \frac{2b^{e+n}}{b^n-c+1} } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{4b^{e+n}}{(b^n-c)^2-1}. }
+ \end{array} \]
+ This holds for any sequence of digits. If, for example, all of the
+ $n$ digits compressed into $\mathfrak{D}_c^n$ are digits $D_{b-1}$,
+ then,
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ \displaystyle{ \frac{4b^{e+n}}{(b^n-c)^2-1} } &=&
+ \displaystyle{ \frac{4b^{e+n}}{(b^n-(b^n-1))^2-1} } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{4b^{e+n}}{0} } \\
+ &=& \infty,
+ \end{array} \]
+ which corresponds to the length of the interval:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ {\bf Info} ( D_{b-1}^e \mathfrak{D}_{b^n-1}^n ) &=&
+ \displaystyle{ \left[ \frac{2b^{e+n}}{b^n-c+1} - 1,
+ \frac{2b^{e+n}}{b^n-c-1} -1 \right] } \\
+ &=& [b^{e+n}-1, \infty].
+ \end{array} \]
+ If $d_1 \ne b-1$, i.e. $-(b-1) \le d_1 < (b-1)$, we have:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ c &\ge& -(b-1) b^{n-1} - (b-1) b^{n-2} - \ldots - (b-1) b^0 \\
+ &=& -b^n + 1 \vspace{1em} \\
+ c &\le& (b-2) b^{n-1} + (b-1) b^{n-2} + (b-1) b^{n-3} +
+ \ldots + (b-1) b^0 \\
+ &=& (b-2) b^{n-1} + (b^{n-1}-1) \\
+ &=& (b-1) b^{n-1} - 1.
+ \end{array} \]
+ Therefore,
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( D_{b-1}^e \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ) &=&
+ \displaystyle{ \frac{4b^{e+n}}{(b^n-c)^2-1} } \\
+ &\le& \displaystyle{ \frac{4b^{e+n}}{(b^n-(b-1)b^{n-1}+1)^2 - 1} } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{4b^{e+n}}{b^{2(n-1)}+2b^{n-1}} } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{4b^{e+1}}{b^{n-1}+2} } \\
+ &<& 4b^{e-n+2} \vspace{1em} \\
+ {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( D_{b-1}^e \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ) &\ge&
+ \displaystyle{ \frac{4b^{e+n}}{(b^n+b^n-1)^2-1} } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{4b^{e+n}}{4b^{2n}-4b^n} } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{b^e}{b^n-1} } \\
+ &>& b^{e-n}.
+ \end{array} \]
+ \end{proof}
+Therefore, as soon as we get a digit in base $b$ which is not $D_{b-1}$,
+ i.e. when we determine a natural number $e$, we may use the formula
+ above to calculate the total number of digit matrices which will
+ guarantee the absolute tolerance we wish to achieve.
+\subsection{$S_- D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$} \label{subsection sneg}
+This case is basically the same as in the previous section. In the base
+ $b$, the sequence $S_- D_{-(b-1)} D_{-(b-1)} D_{-(b-1)} \ldots$ will
+ represent $\infty$. Hence, any attempt to obtain an absolute
+ precision will be futile. For any other sequence we can use a
+ variation of Proposition~\ref{prop:Spos and width of information with
+ base b}, in which $D_{-(b-1)}$ takes the position of $D_{b-1}$.
+\subsection{$S_\infty D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$}
+As we have seen earlier in Sections \ref{subsection spos} and
+ \ref{subsection sneg} the information of an EFP may contain $\infty$.
+ Of course, that will prevent us obtaining any absolute precision. That
+ is also the case when the sign digit of an EFP is $S_\infty$. We have
+ the following:
+ \begin{prop} \label{prop:the information containing infty}
+ The information of an EFP $S_\infty \mathfrak{D}_c^n$ will contain
+ $\infty$ if and only if $|c| \le 1$, i.e. $c=-1,0,1$.
+ \end{prop}
+ \begin{proof}
+ We have:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ {\bf Info} (S_\infty \mathfrak{D}_c^n) &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&1\\-1&1
+ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} b^n+c+1 & b^n+c-1\\ b^n-c-1 & b^n-c+1
+ \end{pmatrix} [0,\infty] \\
+ &=& \begin{pmatrix} b^n & b^n \\ -1-c & 1-c \end{pmatrix} [0,\infty] \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \left[ \frac{b^n}{1-c}, \frac{b^n}{-1-c} \right] }.
+ \end{array} \]
+ If $c \ge 2$ then $-1-c < 1-c <0$ which implies
+ \[ -\infty < \frac{b^n}{1-c} < \frac{b^n}{-1-c} < 0. \]
+ Similarly, if $c \le -2$ the interval ${\bf Info} (S_\infty
+ \mathfrak{D}_c^n )$ does not contain $\infty$. On the other hand, each
+ of the three intervals below:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ {\bf Info} (S_\infty \mathfrak{D}_{-1}^n) &=& \displaystyle{ \left[
+ \frac{b^n}{2}, \infty \right] }, \\
+ {\bf Info} (S_\infty \mathfrak{D}_0^n) &=& [b^n,-b^n], \\
+ {\bf Info} (S_\infty \mathfrak{D}_1^n) &=& \displaystyle{ \left[
+ \infty, -\frac{b^n}{2} \right] },
+ \end{array} \]
+ contain $\infty$. This completes the proof.
+ \end{proof}
+ Note that $c(d_1,d_2,\ldots,d_n)=0$ iff $d_1=d_2=\ldots=d_n=0$.
+ Furthermore, $c(d_1,d_2,\ldots,d_n)$ is $1$, respectively $-1$, iff the
+ product of digit matrices $D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n}$ is of the form
+ $D_0^e D_1 D_{-(b-1)}^{n-e-1}$, respectively $D_0^e D_{-1} D_{b-1}^{n-e-1}$,
+ for some $e \in \mathbb{N},\ e < n$.
+ \begin{prop} \label{prop:dneg db-1 = dzer dneg}
+ The following holds:
+ \[ \begin{array}{c}
+ D_{-1} D_{b-1} = D_0 D_{-1} \\
+ D_1 D_{-(b-1)} = D_0 D_1
+ \end{array} \]
+ \end{prop}
+ \begin{proof}
+ As $-1 \cdot b + (b-1) = -1$ we have that $D_{-1} D_{b-1} =
+ \mathfrak{D}_{-1}^2$. Similarly, $D_0 D_{-1} = \mathfrak{D}_{-1}^2$.
+ \end{proof}
+When the information of $S_\infty D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$ becomes bounded
+ ($|c|>1$) we can calculate the number of digits which will guarantee
+ any required absolute precision. We can do that with the help of the
+ following two propositions:
+ \begin{prop} \label{prop:Sinf and width of information with base b 1}
+ Let $S_\infty D_0^e D_{-1} D_{b-1}^f D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n}$
+ be a finite product of matrices in base $b$ with $d_1 \ne (b-1)$
+ (that is, the information of such a product is a bounded interval). Then:
+ \[ \frac{1}{2} b^{e+f-n+1} < {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( S_\infty
+ D_0^e D_{-1} D_{b-1}^f \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ) < 2b^{e+f-n+3}, \]
+ where $\mathfrak{D}_c^n = D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n}$.
+ \end{prop}
+ \begin{proof}
+ Because of Proposition \ref{prop:dneg db-1 = dzer dneg} we have
+ $D_{-1} D_{b-1}^f = D_0^f D_{-1}$ and hence we can assume $f=0$
+ and at the end, replace $e$ by $e+f$. We have:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ {\bf Info} (S_\infty D_0^e D_{-1} \mathfrak{D}_c^n) &=&
+ \begin{pmatrix} b^{e+n+1} & b^{e+n+1} \\ b^n-c-1 & b^n-c+1
+ \end{pmatrix} [0,\infty] \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \left[ \frac{b^{e+n+1}}{b^n-c+1},
+ \frac{b^{e+n+1}}{b^n-c-1} \right]. }
+ \end{array} \]
+ Therefore,
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( S_\infty D_0^e D_{-1}
+ \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ) &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{b^{e+n+1}}{b^n-c-1}
+ - \frac{b^{e+n+1}}{b^n-c+1} } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{2b^{e+n+1}}{(b^n-c)^2-1}. }
+ \end{array} \]
+ As in the proof of the Proposition \ref{prop:Spos and width of
+ information with base b} we show that $-(b^n-1) \le c \le
+ (b-1)b^{n-1}-1$, which implies:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( S_\infty D_0^e D_{-1}
+ \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ) &=& \displaystyle{
+ \frac{2b^{e+n+1}}{(b^n-c)^2-1} } \\
+ &\le& \displaystyle{ \frac{2b^{e+n+1}}{(b^n-(b-1)b^{n-1}+1)^2 - 1} } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{2b^{e+n+1}}{b^{2(n-1)}+2b^{n-1}} } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{2b^{e+2}}{b^{n-1}+2} } \\
+ &<& 2b^{e-n+3} \vspace{1em} \\
+ {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( S_\infty D_0^e D_{-1}
+ \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ) &\ge& \displaystyle{
+ \frac{2b^{e+n+1}}{(b^n+b^n-1)^2-1} } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{2b^{e+n+1}}{4b^{2n}-4b^n} } \\
+ &=& \displaystyle{ \frac{b^{e+1}}{2(b^n-1)} } \\
+ &>& \displaystyle{ \frac{1}{2} b^{e-n+1}. }
+ \end{array} \]
+ \end{proof}
+ \begin{prop} \label{prop:Sinf and width of information with base b 2}
+ Let $S_\infty D_0^e D_1 D_{-(b-1)}^f D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n}$
+ be a finite product of matrices in base $b$ with $d_1 \ne
+ -(b-1)$ (that is, the information of such a product is a
+ bounded interval). Then:
+ \[ \frac{1}{2} b^{e+f-n+1} < {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( S_\infty
+ D_0^e D_1 D_{-(b-1)}^f \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ) < 2b^{e+f-n+3}, \]
+ where $\mathfrak{D}_c^n = D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n}$.
+ \end{prop}
+\subsection{Absolute Decimal Precision in Base $b=2$}
+Usually we want to obtain the decimal precision of a given number.
+ In addition, base $b=2$ is the most used base in both theory
+ and practise. Therefore, the issue of obtaining the absolute decimal
+ precision in base $b=2$ is of a great importance \cite{errhec00}.
+Of course, we can use the propositions proved above, but we will use,
+ for performance reasons, better bounds, which we can obtain
+ because we take more digits in base $b=2$ into account.
+\subsubsection{$S_0 D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$}
+This case is quite easy. If we choose
+ \begin{equation}
+ n=\lceil 1 + 3.322 k \rceil,
+ \end{equation}
+ where $k$ is the required number of correct decimal digits, we have:
+ \[ \begin{array}{lrl}
+ & n & = \lceil 1 + 3.322 k \rceil, \\
+ \Rightarrow & n & > 1 + k \log_2 10, \\
+ \Rightarrow & -k \log_2 10 & > 1 - n, \\
+ \Rightarrow & 10^{-k} & > 2^{1-n} \\
+ && = {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} (S_0 D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n} ) ).
+ \end{array} \]
+\subsubsection{$S_+ D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots,\ S_- D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$}
+The following proposition is given in \cite{pot98}, page 129. ???????
+ Check if it is correct or not ?????????
+ \begin{prop} \label{prop:width of information with base 2}
+ For any $e \in \mathbb{N},\ \alpha \in \{-1,0\},\ \beta \in
+ \{-1,0,1\}$ and $\gamma \in \mathbb{Z}$, if
+ \[ n = e - 1 - \gamma + (1+\alpha)(1+\beta) \]
+ then
+ \[ 2^{\gamma-1} < {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} (D_1^e D_\alpha
+ D_\beta \mathfrak{D}_c^n )) < 2^{\gamma+1} \]
+ for all $c \in \mathbb{Z}(2^n)$.
+ \end{prop}
+Suppose that we have a real number whose EFP represenation is given by
+ $S_+ D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$. Provided that $e$, the number of leading
+ digit matrices $D_1$ is finite (i.e. the number is not $\infty$), we
+ will calculate correctly the number up to $k$ decimal digits by
+ emitting not more than $e+2+n$ digit matrices, where
+ \begin{equation}
+ n = \lceil e + 3.322 k + 2 \rceil.
+ \end{equation}
+ We use $3.322$ as an upper bound for $\log_2 10$. The reasoning is
+ as follows:
+ \[ \begin{array}{lrl}
+ & n & = \lceil e + 3.322 k + 2 \rceil, \\
+ \Rightarrow & n & > e + k \log_2 10 + 2, \\
+ \Rightarrow & -k \log_2 10 & > e - n + 2, \\
+ \Rightarrow & 10^{-k} & > 2^{e-n+2} \\
+ && \ge 2^{e-n+(1+\alpha)(1+\beta)} \\
+ && = 2^{\gamma + 1},
+ \end{array} \]
+ where $\gamma = e-n-1+(1+\alpha)(1+\beta)$. By Proposition
+ \ref{prop:width of information with base 2}:
+ \[ {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} (D_1^e D_\alpha D_\beta
+ \mathfrak{D}_c^n )) < 2^{\gamma+1} < 10^{-k} \]
+ for all $c \in \mathbb{Z}(2^n)$.
+The same conclusion can be used in the case $S_- D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$.
+ The only difference is that $e$ is the number of leading digit matrices
+ $D_{-1}$.
+\subsubsection{$S_\infty D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$}
+If the sign digit is $S_0$, we do not have problems to yield any required
+ absolute precision. The information of $S_0$ is bounded interval and
+ every digit matrix will half the previous interval. In the case when
+ the sign digit is $S_+$ any conclusion is postponed until we get one
+ {\sc good} digit. By {\em good} digit in this case we mean a digit which
+ is not $D_1$ (recall that $S_+ D_1 D_1 \ldots$ represents $\infty$).
+ Then we will get a bounded interval (one which does not contain
+ $\infty$) and every subsequent digit will refine that interval.
+ Basically, we require that $e$, the number of leading digits $D_1$, is
+ finite. Similarly, if the sign is $S_-$ a {\em good} digit is a digit
+ which is not $D_{-1}$.
+Using Proposition \ref{prop:the information containing infty} is easy to
+ check that in the case when the leading matrix is $S_\infty$, we need two
+ {\em good} digits. The first {\em good} digit is $D_{-1}$, respectively
+ $D_1$, while the second one is either $D_{-1}$ or $D_0$, respectively
+ $D_0$ or $D_1$. The reason is that all of the sequences:
+ \[ \begin{array}{ll}
+ S_\infty D_0 D_0 \ldots &(\Leftrightarrow c=0) \\
+ S_\infty D_0^e D_{-1} D_1 D_1 \ldots &(\Leftrightarrow c=-1) \\
+ S_\infty D_0^e D_1 D_{-1} D_{-1} \ldots &(\Leftrightarrow c=1)
+ \end{array} \]
+ represent $\infty$.
+Once the information of $S_\infty D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$ is either
+ positive or negative (we got the first {\em good} digit) we can make
+ use of the proposition below.
+ \begin{prop} For $e,f \in \mathbb{N}$ we have:
+ \[ \begin{array}{c}
+ {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( S_\infty D_0^e D_{-1} D_1^f
+ \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ) = {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( S_+ D_1^{e+f}
+ \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ), \\
+ {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( S_\infty D_0^e D_1 D_{-1}^f
+ \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ) = {\sf width} ( {\bf Info} ( S_- D_{-1}^{e+f}
+ \mathfrak{D}_c^n ) ).
+ \end{array} \]
+ \end{prop}
+ \begin{proof}
+ Let us first prove the first equality. From proofs of
+ Proposition~\ref{prop:Spos and width of information with base b} and
+ Proposition~\ref{prop:Sinf and width of information with base b 1} we get:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ {\bf Info} (S_+ D_1^{e+f} \mathfrak{D}_c^n) &=& [A-1,B-1], \\
+ {\bf Info} (S_\infty D_0^{e+f} D_{-1} \mathfrak{D}_c^n )
+ &=& [A,B]
+ \end{array} \]
+ where
+ \[ A=\frac{2^{n+e+f+1}}{2^n-c+1} \qquad B=\frac{2^{n+e+f+1}}{2^n-c-1}. \]
+ This implies the first equality. Similarly, we prove the second one.
+ \end{proof}
+ The proposition above enables us to use Proposition \ref{prop:width of
+ information with base 2} in order to determine the number of necessary
+ digits which will produce required absolute decimal precision.
+ Provided that $e$ and $f$ are finite numbers, i.e. we got two {\em good}
+ digits, in order to achieve absolute decimal precision of $10^{-k},\ k
+ \in \mathbb{N}$ we need not more than $e+f+2+n$ digit matrices, where
+ \[ n = \lceil e+f+ 3.322k + 2 \rceil. \]
+\section{The Base Interval $[-1,1]$}
+Comparing with $[0,\infty]$, the base interval $[-1,1]$ has an obvious
+ disadvantage in amount of effort required to calculate the information
+ of a matrix $M=\begin{pmatrix} a&c\\b&d \end{pmatrix}$: ${\bf Info}M=
+ [\frac{c-a}{d-b},\frac{c+a}{d+b}]$ if $\det M > 0$ or ${\bf Info}M=
+ [\frac{c+a}{d+b}, \frac{c-a}{d-b}]$ if $\det M < 0$. Furthermore,
+ testing the refining property is more complex with $[-1,1]$ as the
+ base interval ($|M(-1)| = |\frac{c-a}{d-b}| \le 1$ and $|M(1)| =
+ |\frac{c+a}{d+b}| \le 1$), comparing it with $[0,\infty]$ as the base
+ interval ($a,b,c$ and $d$ are of the same sign).
+Despite drawbacks above, it seems that $[-1,1]$ as the base interval
+ pays off at later stages, since digit matrices, which are given below,
+ the representation of the functions by tensors, emission and absorbtion,
+ \cite{edapot97, pot98}, are simpler due to more zeros which appear in
+ such representations. Pros and cons are discussed in more details in
+ \cite{hec99}.
+The four possible sign matrices are given as follows:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rclcrcl}
+ S^0 &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&0 \\ 0&1 \end{pmatrix} = \textrm{Id}, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(S^0) &=& [-1,1], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ S^1 &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&1 \\ -1&1 \end{pmatrix}, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(S^1) &=& [0,\infty], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ S^2 &=& \begin{pmatrix} 0&-1 \\ 1&0 \end{pmatrix}, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(S^2) &=& [1,-1], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ S^3 &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&-1 \\ 1&1 \end{pmatrix}, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(S^3) &=& [\infty,0].
+ \end{array} \]
+ The indices may be observed as exponents as $S^i S^j = S^{(i+j) \mod 4}$.
+ Digit matrices in base $b$ are given by:
+ \[ A_k = \begin{pmatrix} 1&k\\ 0&b \end{pmatrix}, \]
+ for integer $k$ such that $|k| < b$. $A_k$ maps $[-1,1]$ into
+ the interval$[\frac{k-1}{b},\frac{k+1}{b}]$, whose length is $2/b$.
+ A product $A_{d_1} A_{d_2} \ldots A_{d_n}$ corresponds to a real number
+ $r = \sum_{i=1}^n d_i b^{-i} \in [-1,1]$.
+When $b=2$ we get three matrices ($k=-1,0,1$):
+ \[ \begin{array}{rclcl}
+ A_{-1} &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&-1 \\0&2 \end{pmatrix}, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(A_{-1}) = [-1,0], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ A_0 &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&0\\0&2 \end{pmatrix}, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(A_0) = [-\frac{1}{2},-\frac{1}{2}], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ A_1 &=& \begin{pmatrix} 1&1\\0&2 \end{pmatrix}, &\qquad&
+ \textbf{Info}(A_1) = [0,1].
+ \end{array} \]
+ Then, the product of digits $A_{d_1} A_{d_2} \ldots A_{d_n}$ corresponds
+ to well--known signed binary representation of a number from $[-1,1]$.
+It is easy to check that there exists isomorphism between representations
+ with base intervals $[0,\infty$ and $[-1,1]$. Every EFP with base
+ interval $[-1,1]$ can be easily translated into EFP with base $[0,\infty]$:
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ S^i A_{d_1} \ldots A_{d_n} &=& S^i A_{d_1} \ldots A_{d_n} \\
+ &=& S^i (S^3 S^1) A_{d_1} (S^3 S^1) \ldots (S^3 S^1) A_{d_n} (S^3 S^1) \\
+ &=& (S^i S^3) (S^1 A_{d_1} S^3) (S^1 \ldots S^3) (S^1 A_{d_n} S^3) S^1 \\
+ &=& S^{i+3} D_{d_1} \ldots D_{d_n} S^1.
+ \end{array} \]
+ We used the facts that $S^3 S^1 = S^0 = {\textrm Id}$, $D_{d_i} =
+ S^1 A_{d_i} S^3$. As $S^1 [-1,1] = [0,\infty]$ we have that
+ \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
+ {\bf Info}_{[-1,1]} (S^i A_{d_1} \ldots A_{d_n}) &=&
+ (S^i A_{d_1} \ldots A_{d_n}) [-1,1] \\
+ &=& S^{i+3} D_{d_1} \ldots D_{d_n} S^1 [-1,1] \\
+ &=& {\bf Info}_{[0,\infty]} (S^{i+3} D_{d_1} \ldots D_{d_n}).
+ \end{array} \]
+Therefore, trying to obtain any absolute accuracy from EFP which is given
+ by $S^i A_{d_1} A_{d_2} \ldots$ with the base interval $[-1,1]$ is
+ equivalent to problem of obtaining the same absolute accuracy from
+ $S^{i+3} D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots$ with $[0,\infty]$ as the base interval.
+ We have:
+ \[ \begin{array}{ccc}
+ S^0 A_{d_1} A_{d_2} \ldots A_{d_n} [-1,1] &\Longleftrightarrow&
+ S_0 D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n} [0,\infty], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ S^1 A_{d_1} A_{d_2} \ldots A_{d_n} [-1,1] &\Longleftrightarrow&
+ S_+ D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n} [0,\infty], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ S^2 A_{d_1} A_{d_2} \ldots A_{d_n} [-1,1] &\Longleftrightarrow&
+ S_\infty D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n} [0,\infty], \vspace{0.5em} \\
+ S^3 A_{d_1} A_{d_2} \ldots A_{d_n} [-1,1] &\Longleftrightarrow&
+ S_- D_{d_1} D_{d_2} \ldots D_{d_n} [0,\infty].
+ \end{array} \]
+\subsection{Alternative Approaches with Base Interval $[-1,1]$}
+We will mention another two approaches, namely {\sc mantissa--exponent
+ approach} and {\sc integer part--fractional part approach}. In the
+ former, any real number $x \in \mathbb{R}$ can be represented in base
+ $b$ as $x=b^e u$, where $e$ is a non--negative integer and $u =
+ \sum d_i b^{-i} \in [-1,1]$. This corresponds to the product of matrices
+ $\begin{pmatrix} b^e&0 \\ 0&1 \end{pmatrix} A_{d_1} A_{d_2} \ldots$.
+ Obtaining any required absolute precision in this approach is
+ straightforward. As each of digit matrices in base $b$, $A_{d_i}$,
+ contracts distances by $1/b$, the product:
+ \[ \begin{pmatrix} b^e&0 \\ 0&1 \end{pmatrix} A_{d_1} A_{d_2} \ldots
+ A_{d_{e+k}} \]
+ will induce an interval whose length is $2b^{-k}$, for any $k \in
+ \mathbb{N}$.
+In the integer part--fractional part approach, a real number $x \in
+ \mathbb{R}$ is represented as $x=e+u$, where $e$ is an integer and
+ $u = \sum d_i b^{-i} \in [-1,1]$. Obtaining an absolute precision for $x$
+ is even simpler. Calculating $u$ within the same absolute precision will
+ solve the problem. The product of $k$ digit matrices, $A_{d_1} A_{d_2}
+ \ldots A_{d_k}$ will induce an interval of the length $2b^{-k}$. Hence,
+ $x=e+u$ will be calculated with error not greater than $2b^{-k}$.
+I would like to thank Reinhold Heckmann for all his help.
+ \bibitem{eda97} Edalat, A.:
+ Domains for Computation in Mathemetics, Physics and Exact
+ Real Arithmetic.
+ Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Vol.~3 (1997).
+ \bibitem{edapot97} Edalat, A., Potts, P.~J.:
+ A New Representation for Exact Real Numbers.
+ Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.~6 (1997).
+ \bibitem{errhec00} Errington, L., Heckmann, R.:
+ Using the C--LFT Library (2000).
+ \bibitem{hec99} Heckmann, R.:
+ How Many Argument Digits are Needed to Produce $n$
+ Result Digits? Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,
+ Vol.~24 (2000).
+ \bibitem{niekor95} Nielsen, A., Kornerup P.:
+ MSB--First Digit Serial Arithmetic.
+ Journal of Univ. Comp. Science, 1(7):523--543 (1995).
+ \bibitem{pot98} Potts, P.~J.:
+ Exact Real Arithmetic Using M\"obius Transformations.
+ PhD Thesis, University of London, Imperial College (1998).
+ \bibitem{vui90} Vuillemin, J.~E.:
+ Exact Real Computer Arithmetic with Continued Fractions.
+ IEEE Transactions on Computers, 39(8):1087--1105 (1990).
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Introduction}{1}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Copyright}{2}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Installation}{2}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Using the library}{3}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Types}{3}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Arithmetic}{4}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Primitive arithmetic functions}}{4}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Special functions}{5}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8}Forcing, printing and conversion}{6}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {9}Predicates, Boolean operations and conditionals}{8}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Predicates on reals}}{8}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Boolean operators}}{9}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Action of the predicate \texttt {gtEq{\_}R{\_}0}}}{9}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {5}{\ignorespaces Action of the Boolean operators}}{10}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Example of conditional with delays.}}{12}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10}Extracting digits following forcing}{13}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11}Environment variables}{13}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Taking digits one-by-one.}}{14}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12}The daVinci interface}{15}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13}Compilation flags}{16}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {14}Problems}{16}{}\protected@file@percent }
+\gdef \@abspage@last{16}
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+Overfull \hbox (9.20828pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 336--338
+\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 The next two func-tions yield the even more com-pli-cated ex-pr
+es-sion $[]$:
+ []
+Overfull \hbox (11.72748pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 483--491
+[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 There are two ways to spec-ify the amount of forc-ing: the fi
+rst, \OT1/cmtt/m/n/12 force[]R[]Digs\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 ,
+ []
+[6] [7] [8]
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+[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 Roughly spo-ken, the func-tion eval-u-ates the guards $\OML/c
+mm/m/it/12 b[]$\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 , ..., $\OML/cmm/m/it/12 b[]$\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 , t
+hen chooses
+ []
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+[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 From a com-pressed digit rep-re-sen-ta-tion as it is pro-vide
+d by \OT1/cmtt/m/n/12 retrieveInfo\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 ,
+ []
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+\newcommand{\vdist}{\vrule width0pt height2.5ex depth1.0ex\relax}
+\title{Using the IC Reals Library}
+\author{Lindsay Errington and Reinhold Heckmann}
+ {}%
+ {\topsep=0pt%
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+ \rightmargin=0cm%
+ \listparindent=0cm%
+ \parskip=10pt%
+ \partopsep=0pt%
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+ \parsep=0pt}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+The Imperial College Exact Real Arithmetic Library
+is a collection of C types and functions
+which implement exact real arithmetic. The functions
+allow one to construct objects representing real numbers
+and then to demand information, for example some number
+of decimal digits, from those objects. The user need not specify a precision
+in advance. All the digits retrieved are correct and further digits
+can be demanded.
+The library includes arithmetic operations as
+well as a suite of analytic functions on reals.
+In addition to a real type, the library also includes a lazy boolean
+type and a collection of predicates on reals, boolean operations
+and a conditional construct.
+The representation of reals is based on \emph{linear fractional
+transformations} (LFTs). The underlying theory was developed by
+Abbas Edalat, Martin Escardo, Reinhold Heckmann, Peter Potts, Philipp
+S\"{u}nderhauf and Lindsay Errington (lazy booleans).
+The library was written by Lindsay Errington with contributions from Marko
+Krznaric and Reinhold Heckmann.
+% \cite{}.
+This document describes the types and functions provided by the
+library. It is not an introduction to
+exact real arithmetic nor does it describe the details of
+the LFT approach.
+All software in this distribution comes under the following copyright notice:
+Copyright \copyright\ 1998-2000 by Imperial College of Science, Technology
+and Medicine
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation for any non-commercial purpose and without fee is hereby
+granted, provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies.
+The library cannot be used directly or indirectly for any commercial
+application without a licence from Imperial College.
+Neither Imperial College nor Lindsay Errington make representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided ``as is''
+without express or implied warranty.
+To install the library it is necessary to
+edit the Makefile and change \texttt{REALDIR} to point to the
+root of the Real Library source tree.
+Also, the library requires the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library
+(GMP) (Version 3.1). The Makefile defines a variable
+\texttt{GMPDIR} which is assumed to be the root directory of the
+GMP installation.
+Assuming the Makefile has been edited such that \texttt{REALDIR}
+and \texttt{GMPDIR} point to the respective directories,
+then the command
+will create the real library. To remove the library
+and all binaries, type:
+\texttt{make clean}
+\section{Using the library}
+All applications which call functions in the library must include
+the file \texttt{real.h}. This file defines all the types
+and prototypes for all functions exported from the library.
+In particular
+the file defines the types \Type{Real} and \Type{Bool} corresponding
+to lazy reals and lazy booleans. The file \texttt{real.h} includes
+The user must call the function
+before invoking any other functions in the library.
+This function should be called only once.
+The main purpose of the library is to provide
+a type \Type{Real} of real numbers.
+Since it requires
+the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP) as well,
+it also provides GMP's big integer type \Type{mpz{\_}t} as a byproduct.
+Most of the functions defined by the library come in
+a number of instances for different types.
+These instances are named using suffixes
+abbreviating type names; e.g.\ the suffix \Name{R}
+indicates the type \Type{Real}.
+The full list is given by the following table.
+\vdist Abbreviation & Prototype & Denotation \\
+\vdist \Name{R}
+ & \Type{Real} \Var{x}
+ & $\mbox{\Var{x}} : \mathbb{R}$ \\
+\vdist \Name{Int}
+ & \Type{int} \Var{x}
+ & $x : \mathbb{Z}$, $x$ machine integer \\
+\vdist \Name{Z}
+ & \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{x}
+ & $x : \mathbb{Z}$, $x$ GMP integer \\
+\vdist \Name{QInt}
+ & \Type{int} \Var{a}, \Type{int} \Var{b}
+ & $\frac{a}{b} : \mathbb{Q}$, $a$, $b$ machine integers \\
+\vdist \Name{QZ}
+ & \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{a}, \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{b}
+ & $\frac{a}{b} : \mathbb{Q}$, $a$, $b$ GMP integers \\
+Usually, the specialised functions are more efficient
+than the general ones.
+The possibility of using machine integers
+is particularly useful
+since these integers are readily available
+and need not be set up specially.
+The basic functions for addition, subtraction,
+multiplication and division occur in a general form
+operating on two reals, and in various specialised forms
+involving integers.
+The available functions are listed in Table~\ref{arith-table}.
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{neg{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x})
+& $-x$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{abs{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x})
+& $|x|$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{add{\_}R{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{Real} \Var{y}) \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{add{\_}R{\_}Int}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{y}) \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{add{\_}R{\_}Z}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{y})
+& $x + y$ \\
+ \vdist\Type{Real} \Name{add{\_}R{\_}QInt}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{a},
+ \Type{int} \Var{b}) \\
+ \vdist\Type{Real} \Name{add{\_}R{\_}QZ}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{a},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{b}) \\
+& $x + \frac{a}{b}$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{sub{\_}R{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{Real} \Var{y}) \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{sub{\_}R{\_}Int}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{y}) \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{sub{\_}Int{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{int} \Var{x},
+ \Type{Real} \Var{y})
+& $x - y$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{sub{\_}R{\_}QInt}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{a},
+ \Type{int} \Var{b})
+& $x - \frac{a}{b}$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{sub{\_}QInt{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{int} \Var{a},
+ \Type{int} \Var{b},
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x})
+& $\frac{a}{b} - x$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{mul{\_}R{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{Real} \Var{y}) \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{mul{\_}R{\_}Int}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{y}) \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{mul{\_}R{\_}Z}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{y}) \\
+& $x \times y$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{mul{\_}R{\_}QInt}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{a},
+ \Type{int} \Var{b}) \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{mul{\_}R{\_}QZ}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{a},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{b}) \\
+& $x \times \frac{a}{b}$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{div{\_}R{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{Real} \Var{y}) \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{div{\_}R{\_}Int}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{y}) \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{div{\_}Int{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{int} \Var{x},
+ \Type{Real} \Var{y})
+& $\frac{x}{y}$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{div{\_}R{\_}QInt}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{a},
+ \Type{int} \Var{b})
+& $x / \frac{a}{b} = \frac{b x}{a}$ \\[0.5ex]
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{div{\_}QInt{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{int} \Var{a},
+ \Type{int} \Var{b},
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x})
+& $\frac{a}{b} / x = \frac{a}{bx}$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Real} \Name{pow{\_}R{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{Real} \Var{y})
+& $x^y$ \\
+\caption{Primitive arithmetic functions}\label{arith-table}
+The following two functions define the rational number $\frac{a}{b}$,
+considered as a real:
+\item \Type{Real} \Name{real{\_}QInt}(%
+ \Type{int} \Var{a},
+ \Type{int} \Var{b})
+\item \Type{Real} \Name{real{\_}QZ}(%
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{a},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{b})
+Real numbers are implemented using \emph{linear fractional
+transformations} (LFTs). Users can construct
+LFT functions explicitly.
+The following two functions compute the expression
+\item \Type{Real} \Name{lft{\_}R{\_}Int}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{a},
+ \Type{int} \Var{b},
+ \Type{int} \Var{c},
+ \Type{int} \Var{d})
+\item \Type{Real} \Name{lft{\_}R{\_}Z}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{a},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{b},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{c},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{d})
+\noindent The next two functions yield the even more complicated expression
+$\frac{axy + bx + cy + d}{exy + fx + gy + h}$:
+\item \Type{Real} \Name{lft{\_}R{\_}R{\_}Int}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{Real} \Var{y},
+ \Type{int} \Var{a},
+ \Type{int} \Var{b},
+ % \Type{int} \Var{c},
+ % \Type{int} \Var{d},
+ % \Type{int} \Var{e},
+ % \Type{int} \Var{f},
+ % \Type{int} \Var{g},
+ \Type{int} \Var{h})
+\item \Type{Real} \Name{lft{\_}R{\_}R{\_}Z}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{Real} \Var{y},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{a},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{b},
+ % \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{c},
+ % \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{d},
+ % \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{e},
+ % \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{f},
+ % \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{g},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{h})
+\noindent \textbf{Examples:}
+\item To compute $y = x+1$ ($x$ real), use\quad
+ \verb| y = add_R_Int (x, 1);|\\[0.5ex]
+ This is both simpler and more efficient than to use\\[0.5ex]
+ \verb| one = real_QInt (1, 1); y = add_R_R (x, one);|
+\item To compute $y = \frac{x+1}{x-1}$, use\\[0.5ex]
+ \verb| y = lft_R_Int (x, 1, 1, 1, -1);|\\[0.5ex]
+ This is both simpler and more efficient than to use\\[0.5ex]
+ \verb| y = div_R_R (add_R_Int (x, 1), sub_R_Int (x, 1));|
+\item To compute $z = \frac{2x+y}{xy-1}$, use\\[0.5ex]
+ \verb| z = lft_R_R_Int (x, y, 0, 2, 1, 0,|\\
+ \verb| 1, 0, 0, -1);|\\[0.5ex]
+ This is both shorter and more efficient than to use\\[0.5ex]
+ \verb| num = add_R_R (mul_R_Int (x, 2), y);|\\
+ \verb| den = sub_R_Int (mul_R_R (x, y), 1);|\\
+ \verb| z = div_R_R (num, den);|\\[0.5ex]
+ (We admit that both versions are not quite readable.)
+\section{Special functions}
+There are the usual standard functions,
+each existing in three versions,
+one for a real argument, one for a rational argument made from machine integers,
+and one for a rational argument made from GMP integers.
+Often, the rational version will be more efficient
+(sometimes, it is just mapped to the real version,
+ but it is offered anyway for uniformity and convenience).
+The general pattern is illustrated at the square root function:
+\item \makebox[6.2cm][l]{\Type{Real} \Name{sqrt{\_}R}(%
+ \Type{Real} \Var{x})}
+ to compute $\sqrt{x}$;
+\item \makebox[6.2cm][l]{\Type{Real} \Name{sqrt{\_}QInt}(%
+ \Type{int} \Var{a},
+ \Type{int} \Var{b})}
+ to compute $\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}$;
+\item \makebox[6.2cm][l]{\Type{Real} \Name{sqrt{\_}QZ}(%
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{a},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{b})}
+ to compute $\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}$.
+In the following list of functions,
+we enumerate only the `R' versions.\\[0.5ex]
+Basic:\quad \Name{sqrt{\_}R} for $\sqrt{x}$,\quad
+ \Name{exp{\_}R} for $e^x$,\quad
+ \Name{log{\_}R} for natural logarithm;\\[0.5ex]
+Inverse trigonometric:
+M \= \Name{asinh{\_}R},
+ \= \Name{acosh{\_}R},
+ \= \Name{atanh{\_}R},
+ \= \Name{asech{\_}R},
+ \= \Name{acosech{\_}R},
+ \= \Name{acotanh{\_}R} \kill
+ \> \Name{sin{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{cos{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{tan{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{sec{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{cosec{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{cotan{\_}R}
+ \\[0.5ex]
+Inverse trigonometric:
+ \> \Name{asin{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{acos{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{atan{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{asec{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{acosec{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{acotan{\_}R}
+ \\[0.5ex]
+ \> \Name{sinh{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{cosh{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{tanh{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{sech{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{cosech{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{cotanh{\_}R}
+ \\[0.5ex]
+Inverse hyperbolic:
+ \> \Name{asinh{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{acosh{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{atanh{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{asech{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{acosech{\_}R},
+ \> \Name{acotanh{\_}R}
+ \\[0.5ex]
+\noindent In addition, there are the two predefined constants
+\Type{Real} \Name{Pi} and \Type{Real} \Name{E}.
+\section{Forcing, printing and conversion}
+When working with the library,
+it is best to think of real numbers as infinite digit streams
+(but these digit expansions do not correspond directly
+ to any familiar binary or decimal system).
+Each finite prefix corresponds to a rational interval
+(much as the finite prefix 3.14 of 3.14159\ldots\
+corresponds to the interval [3.14, 3.15]).
+Thus, if more and more digits of the stream are computed,
+the result is a nested sequence of intervals
+$[a_1, b_1] \supseteq [a_2, b_2] \supseteq \cdots$
+which provide increasingly better approximations to the real number.
+If a real number is set up and assigned to a variable,
+an object is created which records the way the number was constructed,
+but no digits are actually calculated.
+It is only when the number is ``forced''
+that a finite prefix of the digit stream is computed.
+There are two ways to specify the amount of forcing:
+the first, \Name{force{\_}R{\_}Digs},
+is by indicating the number of digits to be computed.
+Unfortunately, there is no simple rule telling
+the size of the resulting interval.
+This is the reason why there is a second force function, \Name{force{\_}R{\_}Dec},
+which forces a real number until an interval is obtained
+which guarantees a certain decimal precision.
+\item \Type{void} \Name{force{\_}R{\_}Digs}(%
+\Type{Real} \Var{x}, \Type{int} \Var{n})\\
+This computes at least the first $n$ digits
+of the digit stream describing the value of the argument \Var{x}.
+\item \Type{void} \Name{force{\_}R{\_}Dec}(%
+\Type{Real} \Var{x}, \Type{int} \Var{n})\\
+This computes an approximating interval for $x$
+whose size is at most $10^{-n}$.
+\item \Type{void} \Name{print{\_}R}(\Type{Real} \Var{x})\\
+This takes whatever information about the value of \Var{x}
+is currently available and prints it as an interval (no forcing).
+\item \Type{void} \Name{print{\_}R{\_}Digs}(\Type{Real} \Var{x}, \Type{int} \Var{n})\\
+This first calls \Name{force{\_}R{\_}Digs}(\Var{x}, \Var{n})
+and prints the interval which results from this forcing.
+\item \Type{void} \Name{print{\_}R{\_}Dec}(\Type{Real} \Var{x}, \Type{int} \Var{n})\\
+This first calls \Name{force{\_}R{\_}Dec}(\Var{x}, \Var{n})
+and prints the resulting interval.
+\item \Type{double} \Name{realToDouble}(\Type{Real} \Var{x})\\
+This takes whatever information about the value of \Var{x} is currently available,
+and converts one of the end-points of this interval
+to a double precision floating point value.
+\item \Type{void} \Name{force{\_}B}(%
+\Type{Bool} \Var{b}, \Type{int} \Var{n})\\
+This can be called to force the evaluation of a boolean. When $b$
+is viewed as a stream, the argument $n$ indicates the maximum depth in the
+stream to examine to determine the value of the boolean.
+\item \Type{Boolean} \Name{boolValue}(\Type{Bool} \Var{b}) \\
+This is a macro which returns the value of a boolean. This may be
+one of three constants:
+\Name{LAZY{\_}FALSE} or
+\item \Type{Real} \Name{realError}(\Type{char}\verb|*| \Var{string})\\
+This function ``computes'' and returns a kind of placeholder
+for a real number which is fine as long as it is not forced.
+But if this placeholder is forced to produce some digits,
+then it causes the program to be aborted.
+The argument string provided in the call of \Name{realError}
+is printed as an error message.
+\item \Type{Real} \Name{realDelay}(\Type{Delay{\_}Fun} \Var{f},
+\Type{Delay{\_}Arg} \Var{x})\\
+This function yields a \emph{closure} for the function
+\Var{f} applied to \Var{x}. In other words, it denotes the real
+\Var{f}(\Var{x}) but the function call is not made until
+the closure is forced. An example of its use is given
+in the next section.
+\section{Predicates, Boolean operations and conditionals}
+The library introduces a new type \Type{Bool} for Boolean values
+which serves as the result type of predicates.
+Therefore, it must also introduce its own versions
+of Boolean operations and its own conditional,
+which is a function reminiscent of Dijkstra's guarded commands.
+We shall shortly see why this was done,
+but first we introduce the corresponding functions.
+Table~\ref{pred} shows the available predicates:
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{lt{\_}R{\_}0}(\Type{Real} \Var{x})
+& $x < 0$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{lt{\_}R{\_}QInt}(\Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{a}, \Type{int} \Var{b})
+& $x < \frac{a}{b}$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{lt{\_}R{\_}R}(\Type{Real} \Var{x}, \Type{Real} \Var{y})
+& $x < y$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{ltEq{\_}R{\_}0}(\Type{Real} \Var{x})
+& $x \leq 0$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{ltEq{\_}R{\_}QInt}(\Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{a}, \Type{int} \Var{b})
+& $x \leq \frac{a}{b}$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{ltEq{\_}R{\_}R}(\Type{Real} \Var{x}, \Type{Real} \Var{y})
+& $x \leq y$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{gt{\_}R{\_}0}(\Type{Real} \Var{x})
+& $x > 0$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{gt{\_}R{\_}QInt}(\Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{a}, \Type{int} \Var{b})
+& $x > \frac{a}{b}$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{gt{\_}R{\_}R}(\Type{Real} \Var{x}, \Type{Real} \Var{y})
+& $x > y$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{gtEq{\_}R{\_}0}(\Type{Real} \Var{x})
+& $x \geq 0$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{gtEq{\_}R{\_}QInt}(\Type{Real} \Var{x},
+ \Type{int} \Var{a}, \Type{int} \Var{b})
+& $x \geq \frac{a}{b}$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{gtEq{\_}R{\_}R}(\Type{Real} \Var{x}, \Type{Real} \Var{y})
+& $x \geq y$ \\
+\caption{Predicates on reals}\label{pred}
+Boolean values may be combined with the operators presented in Table~\ref{Bool-Ops}:
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{and{\_}B{\_}B}(\Type{Bool} \Var{x}, Bool \Var{y})
+& $x \wedge y$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{or{\_}B{\_}B}(\Type{Bool} \Var{x}, Bool \Var{y})
+& $x \vee y$ \\
+\vdist\Type{Bool} \Name{not{\_}B}(\Type{Bool} \Var{x})
+& $\neg x$ \\
+\caption{Boolean operators}\label{Bool-Ops}
+Finally, the conditional is a function with a variable number of arguments:
+\item \Type{Real} \Name{realIf}(%
+\Type{int} \Var{n},
+\Type{Bool} $b_1$,
+\Type{Real} $x_1$,
+\Type{Bool} $b_n$,
+\Type{Real} $x_n$)
+This function takes an integer as its first argument,
+followed by a variable number of guard/value pairs.
+The integer argument should tell the number of these pairs.
+The variable argument list is implemented with stdarg(3).
+Roughly spoken, the function evaluates the guards $b_1$, \ldots, $b_n$,
+then chooses non-deterministically one of the guards which happened to be true,
+and returns the corresponding value.
+Before we can provide a more detailed description,
+we must say more about the type \Type{Bool}
+and the behaviour of the predicates.
+Recall that an element of \Type{Real} is implemented as a digit stream,
+whose initial prefixes provide a shrinking sequence of intervals
+approximating a real number.
+Correspondingly, the elements of type \Type{Bool} are implemented
+as sequences of ``truth intervals''.
+These sequences usually start out with the interval
+\Name{Unknown} = [\Name{False}, \Name{True}],
+which may at some later stage be refined to either \Name{False} or \Name{True}.\\[0.5ex]
+Table~\ref{Truth-values} shows how nested sequences of intervals
+are mapped to sequences of truth values by the predicate \Name{gtEq{\_}R{\_}0}.
+\vdist$[-3,2]$ & \Name{Unknown} & $[-2,3]$ & \Name{Unknown} \\
+\vdist$[-2,1]$ & \Name{Unknown} & $[-1,2]$ & \Name{Unknown} \\
+\vdist$[-1.5,0.5]$ & \Name{Unknown} & $[-0.5, 1.5]$ & \Name{Unknown} \\
+\vdist$[-1,0]$ & \Name{Unknown} & $[0, 1]$ & \Name{True} \\
+\vdist$[-0.8,-0.2]$ & \Name{False} & $[0.2, 0.8]$ & \Name{True} \\
+\vdist$[-0.7,-0.3]$ & \Name{False} & $[0.3, 0.7]$ & \Name{True} \\
+\vdist$\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ \\
+\caption{Action of the predicate \Name{gtEq{\_}R{\_}0}}\label{Truth-values}
+Thus, the sequence of truth values computed by \Name{gtEq{\_}R{\_}0}(\Var{x})
+will eventually reach \Name{True} if $x > 0$,
+and will eventually reach \Name{False} if $x < 0$.
+If the exact value of $x$ happens to be 0,
+it is possible that the sequence of truth values
+remains \Name{Unknown} for ever---%
+this happens if all the intervals $[a,b]$ approximating $x$
+have the property $a < 0 < b$.
+Yet it is also possible that the sequence switches to \Name{True}---%
+this happens if there is an approximating interval $[a,b]$ with $a = 0$.
+Which of these two possibilities occur depends on the way
+how $x$ was set up, and on implementation details.
+But it should be remembered that \Name{gtEq{\_}R{\_}0}
+may remain undecided for ever when applied to $0$.
+The Boolean operations produce their output stream by acting
+on their input stream(s) element by element,
+i.e.\ to produce the $n$th element of the output stream,
+the $n$th input element(s) of the input stream(s) are combined
+according to Table~\ref{op-action},
+where the truth values have been abbreviated by U, F, and T,
+and the operations by logical symbols.
+$x$ & T & F & U \\
+$\neg x$ & F & T & U
+$\land$ & T & F & U \\
+ T & T & F & U \\
+ F & F & F & F \\
+ U & U & F & U
+$\lor$ & T & F & U \\
+ T & T & T & T \\
+ F & T & F & U \\
+ U & T & U & U
+\caption{Action of the Boolean operators}\label{op-action}
+Now, we can return to the conditional
+\item \Type{Real} \Name{realIf}(%
+\Type{int} $n$,
+\Type{Bool} $b_1$,
+\Type{Real} $x_1$,
+\Type{Bool} $b_n$,
+\Type{Real} $x_n$)
+This function behaves as follows:
+It constructs a cyclic list of guard/value pairs.
+Starting with the first pair, \Name{realIf} forces the guard
+to compute an element of the resulting Boolean stream.
+If the value of this element is \Name{True},
+the real number associated with this guard is returned.
+If the value is \Name{False}, the pair is removed from the list.
+If the value remains \Name{Unknown}, then \Name{realIf} tries the next pair.
+In this way, the function cycles through the list forcing each guard in turn
+until a guard becomes \Name{True}.
+If the list becomes empty (all the guards are \Name{False}),
+then \Name{realIf} issues an error message.
+If some guards are remaining \Name{Unknown} for ever,
+\Name{realIf} will not terminate.
+Some examples will clarify the situation.
+\verb|realIf (2, lt_R_QInt (x, 1, 1), 0, gt_R_0(x), 1)|\\[0.3ex]
+means $x < 1 \to 0 \;[\!]\; x > 0 \to 1$.
+For $x = \frac12$, the result is unpredictable;
+it depends on the actual sequence of intervals
+which approximate $\frac12$.
+On the other hand, there is no risk of non-termination or error
+since at least one guard will eventually yield \Name{True}
+for any $x$.
+\verb|realIf (2, ltEq_R_0(x), neg_R(x), gtEq_R_0(x), x)|\\[0.3ex]
+means $x \leq 0 \to -x \;[\!]\; x \geq 0 \to x$.
+As an implementation of $|x|$, this works well for all $x \neq 0$,
+while there is a considerable risk of non-termination for $x = 0$.
+(Fortunately, there is the predefined function \Name{abs{\_}R}).
+Suppose you have an implementation \Name{sqrt1} for square root
+which works only for arguments in the interval $(\frac14,4)$,
+but not for arguments near 0 or very big arguments.
+With this knowledge, you can set up the following function:
+\[ \begin{array}{ r l @{\;\;\to\;\;} l l }
+ \sqrt{x} \;=\; (\! & x > \frac14 \land x < 4 & \Name{sqrt1}(x) & \;[\!] \\[0.5ex]
+ & x \geq 0 \land x < \frac12 & \frac12 \sqrt{4x} & \;[\!] \\[0.5ex]
+ & x > 2 & 2 \sqrt{x/4} & \;[\!] \\[0.5ex]
+ & x < 0 & ??? & \;)
+ \end{array}
+Notice how the guards overlap:
+if the second guard were $x \geq 0 \land x \leq \frac14$,
+then there would be a considerable risk of non-termination
+for $x = \frac14$.
+By the overlap, this non-termination is prevented---%
+without introducing non-determinism
+since the values following these guards
+are semantically equal in the overlap region.
+Similarly, the first and third guard overlap
+to prevent non-termination for $x = 4$.
+Yet notice that the function does not terminate for $x = 0$ \ldots\\[0.5ex]
+As a C program, the above function appears in figure \ref{fig:conditionals}.
+Note the use of delays to prevent endless eager recursion.
+ Real sqrt (Real x) {
+ return realIf (4,
+ and_B_B (gt_R_QInt (x, 1, 4), lt_R_QInt (x, 4, 1)),
+ sqrt1 (x),
+ and_B_B (gtEq_R_0, lt_R_QInt (x, 1, 2)),
+ div_R_Int (
+ realDelay(
+ (Delay_Fun) sqrt,
+ (Delay_Arg) mul_R_Int (x, 4)),
+ 2),
+ gt_R_QInt (x, 2, 1),
+ mul_R_Int (
+ realDelay(
+ (Delay_Fun) sqrt,
+ (Delay_Arg) div_R_Int (x, 4)),
+ 2),
+ lt_R_0 (x),
+ realError ("Square root of negative number")
+ );
+ }
+\caption{Example of conditional with delays.}\label{fig:conditionals}
+As the last example,
+suppose you want to iterate a function \Name{f}
+until the difference between two consecutive values in the iteration
+is smaller than some threshold \Var{eps}.
+This can be done by the following recursive function:
+ Real iter (Real x) {
+ Real y = f(x);
+ Real d = abs_R (sub_R_R (x, y)); /* d = |x - y| */
+ return realIf (2,
+ lt_R_R (d, eps),
+ y,
+ gt_R_R (d, eps2),
+ realDelay((Delay_Fun) iter, (Delay_Arg) y));
+ }
+where \Var{eps2} is $\Var{eps}/2$.
+By using \Var{eps2}, the two guards overlap non-trivially,
+and non-termination at \Var{d} = \Var{eps} is prevented
+(of course, the iteration still fails to terminate
+ if \Var{d} never gets small).
+\section{Extracting digits following forcing}
+The functions in this section provide access to the internal representation
+of real numbers.
+They are not very useful for ordinary users of the library.
+\item \Type{void} \Name{retrieveInfo}(%
+\Type{Real} \Var{x}, \Type{Sign} $\ast$\Var{sign}, \Type{int} $\ast$\Var{count},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} digits)
+This function retrieves the information that is currently available on \Var{x}.
+The sign of \Var{x} is stored in \Var{sign},
+the number of digits calculated so far is stored in \Var{count},
+and a compressed representation of all these digits is deposited in \Var{digits}.
+The variable \Var{digits} must be initialised
+with the GMP function \Name{mpz{\_}init} prior to calling \Name{retrieveInfo}.
+The real argument \Var{x} is unchanged by the call.
+From a compressed digit representation as it is provided by \Name{retrieveInfo},
+the individual digits can be extracted by means of
+\item \Type{Digit} \Name{takeDigit}(\Type{int} $\ast$\Var{count},
+ \Type{mpz{\_}t} \Var{digits})
+This function should only be called if \Var{digits}
+contains at least one digit.
+It returns the most significant digit contained in \Var{digits},
+removes this digit from \Var{digits},
+and decreases the counter \Var{count} by 1.
+Thus, successive calls yield successive digits.
+\noindent An example of the use of these two functions is given in Figure
+ Real x;
+ mpz_t digits;
+ Sign sign;
+ Digit digit;
+ int count;
+ ...
+ x = tan_R(y);
+ force_R_Digs(x, 20);
+ mpz_init(digits);
+ retrieveInfo(x, &sign, &count, digits);
+ printf("%s ", signToString(sign));
+ while (count > 0) {
+ digit = takeDigit(&count, digits);
+ printf("%s ", digitToString(digit));
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+\caption{Taking digits one-by-one.}
+Note the two functions \Name{signToString} and \Name{digitToString}
+which convert signs and digits to strings for output.
+\section{Environment variables}
+The library uses three environment variables to control its runtime behaviour.
+These variables are as follows:
+\quad This sets the runtime stack to
+$n \times k$ words. The default is $n = 20$ for $20k$ words.
+It is unlikely that the stack size needs to be adjusted.
+If you get a ``stack overflow'' at runtime, it is more likely that the
+algorithm for some function is not sufficiently converging for a given
+argument. Assuming the default has been set to something other than 1,
+try setting the
+environment variable \texttt{ICR{\_}DEFAULT{\_}FORCE{\_}COUNT=1} and executing
+your program again.
+\quad Sometimes it
+is necessary to force
+an arbitrary number of digits from an LFT. This can happen, for example,
+when a predicate is forced which in turn must force some number of digits
+from its real argument. In theory, one would always want to force as
+few digits as possible (i.e.\ 1 digit)
+to avoid unnecessary computation. In practice, it
+is more efficient to demand more than one digit. The value
+of \texttt{ICR{\_}DEFAULT{\_}FORCE{\_}COUNT}
+is the number of digits forced in such
+circumstances. It is also the number of digits forced from an argument
+to a linear fractional transformation when $\epsilon-\delta$ analysis
+for the transformation yields a value $\leq 0$. The default is $n = 1$.
+The maximum reasonable value is $n = 4$.
+When extracting information from reals, the library works with
+``digits''. Each digit gives a fixed amount of information. Usually, however,
+a user wishes to extract enough information to ensure some decimal precision.
+The functions \Name{force{\_}R{\_}Dec} and \Name{print{\_}R{\_}Dec}
+are provided to
+retrieve information from a real to a specified decimal precision.
+Unfortunately, there is not always a direct correspondence between a number of
+digits and a decimal precision. As a number approaches infinity, more
+digits are needed to bound it above. This variable sets a bound
+on the number of digits to retrieve from a real to bound it above before
+giving up.
+The default is $n = 10000$.
+\section{The daVinci interface}
+For debugging and instruction, the library is instrumented to
+work with the graph visualisation tool daVinci.
+But be warned that much of this visualisation
+is only comprehensible to insiders.
+When a program has been compiled with daVinci enabled,
+a separate daVinci window will be created
+when \Name{init\-Reals} is called.
+Thereafter, any calls to \Name{force{\_}R{\_}Digs} or \Name{force{\_}R{\_}Dec}
+will lead to control being transferred to the daVinci window.
+Once started the daVinci window provides a collection of buttons
+to control the execution of a real program. The buttons are as follows:
+\item[\includegraphics{stop.eps}] Stops execution.
+\item[\includegraphics{go.eps}] Enabled when there is work on the
+stack. This button starts execution.
+\item[\includegraphics{step.eps}] Enabled when there is work on the stack. This
+single steps execution.
+\item[\includegraphics{continue.eps}] When enabled, it means the stack
+is empty. This button returns control to the C program.
+\item[\includegraphics{collect.eps}] This button is not implemented.
+Ultimately it will be used to invoke the garbage collector.
+In addition, when the program is stopped, the user can click the right
+button over any object in the heap. This gives a popup menu
+of which only the first entry is implemented. It can be used
+to print (in the main program window) the contents of the selected
+heap object. This is typically a linear fractional transformation
+(nearly all functions in the library are implemented
+ as compositions of linear fractional transformations).
+\section{Compilation flags}
+There are a number of compilation flags in the Makefile. With the exception
+of those listed below, it is unwise to change these flags.
+\item[\texttt{-DDAVINCI}]\quad When set, the library will connect to the daVinci
+graph visualisation tool. In this mode, all objects in the heap and
+all information flow is displayed in a separate daVinci window.
+Computation is controlled from the daVinci window. The user can run, stop
+and single-step the activities of the program,
+which mainly consist of emission and absorption of LFTs,
+and examine the contents of objects in the heap.
+\quad This sets the default force count to use when it is not given by
+the environment variable
+\item[\texttt{-DTRACE}=\textit{val}]\quad This enables tracing of force methods.
+When set to $0$, tracing is disabled. When set to $1$, tracing is enabled.
+Finally, when set to \texttt{traceOn}, tracing can be enabled
+and disabled at runtime under software control via the function
+\Name{debugTrace}(\Type{int} \Var{b}) where \Var{b} is $1$ to enable
+tracing and $0$ to stop tracing.
+\quad This sets stack size to use when it is not given by
+the environment variable
+\quad This is the default value used when the environment variable
+\texttt{ICR{\_}FORCE{\_}DEC{\_}UPPER{\_}BOUND} is absent.
+The library is still under development. Future versions of the library
+will have specialized versions of the analytic functions
+for rational arguments. A document describing the implementation
+is also planned. The most serious omission from the present
+version of the library is a garbage collector.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f9f0ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ic-reals-6.3/doc/manual/step.eps
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
+%%Title: /home/le/Work/reals/blue/5-c-reals/icons/step.ps
+%%Creator: XV Version 3.10a Rev: 12/29/94 (PNG patch 1.2) - by John Bradley
+%%BoundingBox: 289 418 301 430
+%%Pages: 1
+%%Page: 1 1
+% remember original state
+/origstate save def
+% build a temporary dictionary
+20 dict begin
+% define string to hold a scanline's worth of data
+/pix 3 string def
+% define space for color conversions
+/grays 18 string def % space for gray scale line
+/npixls 0 def
+/rgbindx 0 def
+% lower left corner
+289 418 translate
+% size of image (on paper, in 1/72inch coords)
+11.59200 11.59200 scale
+% dimensions of data
+18 18 1
+% mapping matrix
+[18 0 0 -18 0 18]
+{currentfile pix readhexstring pop}
+% stop using temporary dictionary
+% restore original state
+origstate restore
diff --git a/ic-reals-6.3/doc/manual/stop-eps-converted-to.pdf b/ic-reals-6.3/doc/manual/stop-eps-converted-to.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93b7331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ic-reals-6.3/doc/manual/stop-eps-converted-to.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ic-reals-6.3/doc/manual/stop.eps b/ic-reals-6.3/doc/manual/stop.eps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7419b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ic-reals-6.3/doc/manual/stop.eps
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
+%%Title: /home/le/Work/reals/blue/5-c-reals/icons/stop.ps
+%%Creator: XV Version 3.10a Rev: 12/29/94 (PNG patch 1.2) - by John Bradley
+%%BoundingBox: 289 418 301 430
+%%Pages: 1
+%%Page: 1 1
+% remember original state
+/origstate save def
+% build a temporary dictionary
+20 dict begin
+% define string to hold a scanline's worth of data
+/pix 3 string def
+% define space for color conversions
+/grays 18 string def % space for gray scale line
+/npixls 0 def
+/rgbindx 0 def
+% lower left corner
+289 418 translate
+% size of image (on paper, in 1/72inch coords)
+11.59200 11.59200 scale
+% dimensions of data
+18 18 1
+% mapping matrix
+[18 0 0 -18 0 18]
+{currentfile pix readhexstring pop}
+% stop using temporary dictionary
+% restore original state
+origstate restore