Oct 22 1999 This is a collection of programs which exercise portions of the library. They should not necessarily been viewed as examples of good programming style. To compile any one of these tests you will need to change the variable GMPDIR in Makefile. In many, though not all cases, the arguments to the functions are as follows: tan_R where the first 5 arguments define a real number which is passed to tan_R and is the number of (binary) digits to be forced and printed (base 10) from the resulting real. The real is the followed by the list of digits coded as a characteristic pair (where ) is a number of digits followed by the vector continuation /. The characteristic pair denotes the number base 2^. The argument is as follows: 0 -> SZERO 1 -> SINF 2 -> SPOS 3 -> SNEG 4 -> SIGN_UNKN Lindsay