This is version 6.0 of the Imperial College Exact Real Arithmetic Library. It provides support for lazy real and lazy boolean types callable from C plus a suite of primitive functions on reals, predicates and boolean operators. See the separate copyright file for conditions of use and distribution. To install, you must have already installed the Gnu Multiple Precision Arithemtic package (GMP) Version 3.0.1. Edit the Makefile in this directory and change: REALDIR to point to this directory and GMPDIR to the root directory of the GMP tree. Then type make. Further details and an explanation of the compile flags can be found in doc/manual/manual.{tex,dvi}. The library makes trivial use of the utility strsep(3). This may not be available on some platforms but is easily obtained from the web. For example, the GNU version is available from: Install strsep.c in the directory base and add the target to the Makefile. The library has compiled successfully under Linux and SunOS 5.5.1 (Solaris 2.5.1?) Lindsay Errington, June, 2000 -------- The library was written by Lindsay Errington with contributions from Marko Krznaric and Reinhold Heckmann. It is based on theory developed by Abbas Edalat, Martin Escardo, Reinhold Heckmann, Peter Potts, Philipp Sünderhauf and Lindsay Errington (lazy booleans). -------- When viewing the source files, set tabstops to 4. The directory has the following structure. base - the low-level routines used in the representation of the reals including those for lfts and booleans. math-lib - a collection of analytic functions. doc - see manual/manual.tex for a description of the types and functions provided by the library. icons - used when the tool is connected to daVinci tests Makefile ------- Known bugs: sqrt_R diverges for 0. This is because sqrt is not continuous at 0. Various options are being considered for this. We may choose to make sqrt continuous or introduce complex numbers.