* Some Emacs-Focused Dotfiles These are most of my dotfiles for Parabola/Arch on my Librebooted T60, at the current moment. Some highlights: - 2.3kline, literate, external-link-documented org-mode config for Emacs, with as much philosophy as I could stomach. - Automatic =startx= upon login from tty. - =dwm=-like, =xrandr=-friendly EXWM config. - Libreboot as combined firmware/bootloader, with a bootloader password, full-disk encryption, and a keyfile---secure against physical access, but only one password (the HDD's LUKS key) necessary to boot normally. - =pam_usb= and =xsecurelock= (bug discovered) for seamless, multi-factor authentication - Airgapped GPG master key, encrypting a =~/.password-store= integrated with Emacs via =password-store.el= and the built-in =auth-sources= library. - Pretty-but-minimal =zsh= config. Some anti-highlights: - Minimal email/bbdb configuration - Minimal org-mode/agenda/calendar/diary configuration - Some untested config: a few modes, eglot. - Missing config: ledger/finance, non-Arch automatic system package installation.